Latinx Studies Certificate

The Latinx Studies Certificate Program is designed for students who have an interest in Latinx Studies, regardless of major or college affiliation. It utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examining the experiences, cultures and social conditions of Latinx peoples within the so-called United States.

The program is open to any UWM undergraduate who has completed at least 45 credits and to those who previously received a bachelor’s degree from UWM or any other accredited college or university. For more information, please contact the program coordinator, Julie Kline (

Listed below are the requirements for the Certificate in Latinx Studies. You are strongly advised to consult both the Latinx Studies coordinator and your L&S advisor to ensure you stay on track towards a degree. Read more about the degree requirements on the L&S Degree Requirements web pages.


To obtain the certificate, students must complete 18 credits in approved Latinx courses, including 9 credits at the 300 level and above in residence at UWM, with a minimum grade point average of 2.00. Students must select courses from at least three curricular areas, including LATINX 101. No more than 9 credits in a single curricular area may count toward the certificate. Students may count up to 3 credits of a related independent study and up to 3 credits of a related internship. For additional program information, contact the Latinx Studies Coordinator (Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies).

LATINX 101Introduction to Latino Studies3
Select 15 credits from the following: 115
Archaeology of the American Southwest
Cities and Culture
Issues in Bilingualism
Intercultural Communication
Cross-Cultural Communication
History and Politics of Second Language Education
Developing Biliteracy
Using Children's Literature to Explore Latin Am/Latino Cultural Heritage
Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata I
First-Year Seminar: (subtitle: Prosperity, Poverty, and Economic Justice)
Educational Issues in Spanish Speaking Communities
The Chicano Experience
Education and Hispanics
Introduction to Ethnic Minority Literature:
Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature:
World Cinema: (Latina and Latin American Women Directors)
Survey of Ethnic Minority Literature
Survey of U.S. Latino/a Literature
Theories of Digital Culture: (Latino and Latin American Popular Culture)
Language, Power, and Identity
Studies in U.S. Latino/a Literature:
Transnational Migrations: People on the Move
Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies: (Women as Migrant Workers)
Migration and Gender: Starbucks, Sex Trafficking, and Nannies
Queer Migrations
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Milwaukee:
Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues: (U.S.-Mexico Borderlands)
The History of Latinos in the United States
Topics in Global History: (History of Media: Latin American and U.S. Latino Worlds)
Immigrant America Since 1880
Race and Ethnicity in the Media
Special Topics in Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Studies:
Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Arts and Culture:
Advanced Topics in Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Studies:
Theatre in the Americas: Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Theatre
Internship in Latin American, Caribbean, and US Latinx Studies, Upper Level
LACUSL Senior Research Project
Independent Study
Special Topics in U.S. Latino Studies:
The History of Latinos in the United States
Internship in Latino Studies, Lower Division
Advanced Topics in U.S. Latino Studies:
Perspectives on Latino Communities
Survey of U.S. Latino/a Literature
Internship in Latino Studies, Upper Division
Studies in U.S. Latino/a Literature:
Advanced Independent Study
Queer Migrations
Issues in Bilingualism
Introduction to Health Disparities
Ethnicity, Religion and Race in American Politics
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Immigration
Psychology of Race, Ethnicity, and Health
Race and Ethnicity in the United States
Perspectives on Latino Communities
Third-Semester Spanish
Fourth-Semester Spanish
Advanced Writing and Reading
Advanced Speaking and Listening
Advanced Speaking and Listening for Heritage Speakers
Using Spanish in the Business World
Advanced Spanish Grammar
Spanish for Health Professionals
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Business and Legal Spanish
Introduction to Translation: English to Spanish
Introduction to Literary Analysis
Introduction to Latino Literature in English
Topics in Latino Literature in English:
Health Issues in the Hispanic World
Special Topics in Urban Planning: (subtitle: Latino Cities)
Total Credits18

Must include 9 credits numbered 300 and above. Consult the Certificate coordinator for approval to count additional appropriate courses with at least 25% Latinx content not listed here.