Summer 2023 Internships
Though spring semester has just begun, it’s a great time to start applying for summer internship opportunities! We’ll add to this list as more opportunities arise.
The National Endowment for the Humanities is recruiting for up to 24 paid virtual summer interns.
The Milwaukee Justice Center is hiring interns to work one on one (under the supervision of an attorney) with unrepresented litigants in Milwaukee County. They interview clients, review cases on the court’s internal court record system, help fill out forms, and work with supervisors to troubleshoot problems in a client’s case. It is a great opportunity for students who are considering legal careers, social justice careers, or social work careers. All majors are welcome and no prior experience is required. Although there will continue to be a few limited options for remote shifts, we expect this semesters’ internship to be primarily in person.
To apply students should send a resume and cover letter to by March 19 (priority deadline) or April 16 (final deadline).
The Latin American News Digest is hiring student writers and researchers to contribute to their weekly issues by aggregating and writing condensed versions of news articles found in Latin American sources. The result is an enriching experience for students who discover a variety of perspectives within the Latin American media. Students will also have the opportunity to research and write their own aggregations, with their own bylines. More details, including the application process can be found by clicking on the link above. The deadline to apply is March 25, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact