Latino Activism in Milwaukee Focus in the Journal Sentinel
Released August 9th, 2018, you can find a multi-part focus on Latino activism in Milwaukee since the 1960s by Jesse Garza. Find interviews with Jesus Salas, Ernesto Chacon, and Avelardo Valdez, including an essay by USC professor Avelardo on his activism that grew from the 1968 Allen-Brady protest. Additionally, find an article on Latina Rockwell Director, Patricia Contreras, who grew up in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood.

Ernesto Chacon, director of the Latin American Union for Civil Rights, pointed toward Fred Blue (right), program director of the Commission on Community Relations during an exchange in Mayor Henry W. Maier’s outer office in City Hall in 1973. (Photo: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Articles include:
- Then and Now: Milwaukee Latino leaders progress from activism to classrooms and boardrooms
- Latino activism in Milwaukee was sparked 50 years ago by Allen-Bradley protest
- Latina Rockwell director has roots in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point
- Latino voices: USC professor was on front lines of 1968 Allen-Bradley demonstration
- Milwaukee’s growing Latino community served by several agencies