Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 8 Vocab Quizlet
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يَعني (that) means, that is
بِناية Building
مَكتَب Office, desk
مَكتَبة library; bookstore
كَلِمة word
جُملة sentence
اِمتحان test, examination
قَلَم pen or pencil
تَمرين drill, exercise
الحَمّام bathroom, toilet
قَريب\ة مِن close to , near
بَعيد\ة من far from
تَعبان\ة tired
بَردان\ة cold
حَرّان\ة hot
عَطشان\ة thirsty
جَوْعان\ة hungry
زَعلان\ة upset, angry or sad
خلْصان\ة exhausted
سَعيد\ة happy
مَريض\ة sick
قَليلاً a little
ِما بكَ\ك what’s wrong
سَلامتكَ\كِ feel better! get well soon!
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