Unit 4

Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 4 Vocab Pt 1 Quizlet

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تَفَضَّل Please come in, go ahead (to a male)
تَفَضَّلي Please come in, go ahead (to a female)
تَفَضَّلوا_the long alif is silent Please come in, go ahead (plural)
صاحِبي My (male) friend; my boyfriend
صاحِبَتي My (female) friend: my girlfriend
هُوَ he/it (masc.)
هِيَ She/it (fem.)
اسمُهُ His
His name
اسمُها Her/hers
her name
طالِب Student (male)
طالِبة Student (female)
أُستاذ Professor, teacher (Male)
أُستاذة Professor, teacher (female)
جامِعة The university of…

Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 4 Vocab Pt 2 Quizlet

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خُبز Bread
دَجاج Chicken
جار Neighbor (male)
جارة Neighbor(female)
أَخ Brother
أُخت Sister
جَديد New (masc.)
جَديدة New (fem.)
مَساء الخَير Good evening!
مَساء النّور Response to good evening
عِندي I have
لَيسَ عِندي I don’t have
سُؤال question
أُحِبّ I love
تُحِبّ You (masc.) love
تُحِبّين You (fem.) love
رَقم تِليفون Telephone number

Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 4 Video Exercise #1

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Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 4 Video Exercise #2

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Alif-Baa (3rd) Unit 4 Video Exercise #3

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Arabic 101 Alif Baa Unit 4: Vocabulary Matching 

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Arabic 101 Alif Baa Unit 4: Arabic Numerals 

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