UWM’s CIE NRC travel grant is designed to support faculty research and professional development. Funding can be used for conference attendance or participation in a pedagogy workshop relating to global studies and/or language education. The maximum award amount for the 2024/25 competition is $3,000.



The CIE-NRC Conference Travel Award is open to UWM faculty within the foreign language, Global Studies, and area studies departments and programs. Please note that priority consideration will be given to first-time applicants.

Allowable Expenses

  • Conference Registration
  • Airfare
  • Car Rental
  • Per Diem
  • Lodging
  • Mileage

Special Consideration for International Guest Speaker Travel:

Please note that all international travel using Center for Global Studies funding requires pre-approval from our U.S. Department of Education program officer. All travel approvals must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of travel.

Funding Period

Applications for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 activities will be accepted at this time, but funds awarded must be expended/reimbursed before August 1, 2025.

Support and Selection of Awardees

The NRC grant manager administers the awards, provides support to language faculty and staff before, during, and after the award period.

The CIE-NRC Advisory Board is responsible for reviewing the proposals and selecting awardees based on contribution to language learning and campus globalization at UWM, alignment with NRC grant goals and interests, and feasibility of implementation. Selection criteria specific to each award are included in the application.

Application Instructions

Application Deadline

Monday, October 7, 2024

How to Apply

The is provided using Microsoft Forms to allow for the convenience of electronic submissions. Please complete all required sections. You can pause and return to the form at any time – your progress is automatically saved.

Applicants are responsible for working with their supervisor, department chair, and/or dean to ensure proposed activities have the necessary campus support and approvals for the activity/course to occur.

Application Materials

Applications should include:

  1. A draft itinerary including dates and cities
  2. A short description of the expected benefits to your research and the general area of global studies and/or language and intercultural studies
  3. A draft budget*
  4. Additional supporting documents. This includes, but is not limited to: 
    • Conference brochures/agendas,
    • Paper proposals (if presenting)
    • Conference registration, 
    • Proof of presentation for conferences, workshop/training materials, 
    • Any additional documentation for budget estimates (i.e. flight or hotel estimates from Concur or lodging estimates provided by the conference host)

*To ensure accuracy and compliance with federal M&IE per diem allowance rates, all travel grant proposals require an attached copy of their M&IE per diem calculation from the UW TravelWise Calculator.

Award Conditions

Funding Period

Funds awarded must be expended before August 1, 2025. Carryover of funds not expended by the date specified in the award letter is subject to the approval of CIE’s U.S. Department of Education (U.S./ED) program officer.

All expenditures must be approved by the NRC grant manager before purchase. Purchases made without prior approval will NOT be reimbursed.

Post-Activity Survey

If awarded, you will be required to complete a post-activity survey in Qualtrics. The survey will be included in your award letter and must be submitted no later than October 1, 2025. Failure to complete the survey by October 1, 2025, may affect consideration for future NRC funding.