Educators talking and collaborating

There are many ways to incorporate global content in your classroom or community activities!  Among the strategies we have shared with educator are the following approaches:

  • Comparative practices that explore how different issues manifest similarly and differently in the U.S. and other parts of the world
  • Lessons that use international frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to analyze and engage with global-to-local issues
  • Views from abroad – exploring global perspectives on life, society and democracy in the United States
  • Activities to bring in the voices, experiences, and insights of immigrant and refugee youth
  • Examination of the impacts of U.S. policies and programs on countries and communities around the world
  • Global-to-local service-learning tools and ideas that draw inspiration from actions being taken around the world to inform local civic engagement

We invite educators to reach out for conversation, curricular ideas, and collaboration in all of these areas!  Please contact Nicole Palasz at for more information.