School Library Fieldwork Mentor Evaluation Step 1 of 5 20% Your Name First Last Email School District UWM Student InformationName First Last Student PerformanceIn view of the goal(s) set by the student, please indicate (on a scale of 75% – 100%) as to the student's success in achieving the goal(s).What grade would you give the student?AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+D Qualities DemonstratedDid the student demonstrate any of the qualities below in working toward the goal(s)?InitiativeSuperiorAverageBelow AverageCreativitySuperiorAverageBelow AverageDedicationSuperiorAverageBelow AverageDependabilitySuperiorAverageBelow AverageCooperationSuperiorAverageBelow AverageAdjustabilitySuperiorAverageBelow AverageConsideration of othersSuperiorAverageBelow Average CommentsPlease feel free to write any comments regarding the student or the fieldwork program.