New Employee Onboarding

Welcome to UW-Milwaukee!

Please follow the steps below to complete the new employee onboarding process.

1. Submit required forms.

Your HR Operations contact will work with you to confirm an onboarding appointment time to submit required forms. If you have not been in contact with an HR Operations team member, please reach out to your Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) who can assist you in making this connection.

Your supervisor may utilize the following checklist through your first year of employment.

New Employee Onboarding Checklist

These forms must be completed prior to, or within 3 days of, your hire date.

Please Note:

The employee completes only Section 1 on page 1 of Form I-9.

Form I-9 also requires that you bring documents to establish your identity and employment eligibility. Please see page 2 of Form I-9 for the list of acceptable documents.

Form I-9 cannot be submitted without the required documents.

For assistance with the employee onboarding process, please contact the HRBP for your school, college, or division, from the directory below:

Client Group Assignments

2. Attend a benefits review to learn about benefits options and enrollment deadlines.

The benefits review is an in-person presentation that covers:

  • Your benefits package.
  • Deadlines for benefits enrollment.
  • How to enroll in benefits.
  • Your payroll schedule.
  • Question and answer period.

Please Note:

Most benefits options require enrollment within 30 days of your hire date.

To register for a benefits review please see the webpage below:

Benefits Reviews

For any questions about benefits reviews please contact:

3. Attend a New Employee Orientation session.

New Employee Orientation is an in-person session that covers:

  • UWM’s organizational mission, culture, and 2030 strategic goals
  • An overview of key areas of work within UWM
  • Efforts underway to create a future of growth and success for UWM
  • Ways that we strive to foster employee belonging and connection
  • High priority information from HR for new employees

Please Note:

New Employee Orientation is mandatory for new employees that meet the following criteria:

  • 50% or greater position
  • Contract length of at least one academic year or 12 months

If you meet the above criteria, attending an orientation session is required within the first 90 days of your start date.

To register for a New Employee Orientation session see the webpage below:

New Employee Orientation

For any questions about New Employee Orientation please contact:

4. Complete required employee training sessions.

Training topics for new employees are listed below:

Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, IT Security, and Child Abuse and Neglect

All UWM employees are required to complete sexual violence and sexual harassment training every three years, an annual IT security training, and a one-time Child Abuse and Neglect training. Links will be emailed to you within 30 days of your contract start date. Completion deadline is 30 days from notification date. Additional information on the trainings, or guidance for basic troubleshooting, can be found on Human Resources’ Compliance Training webpage.

Human Resources:

Compliance Training

Employee Safety

New employees must also complete the “Safe Start” training, an occupational safety training hosted by University Safety and Assurances. This occupational safety training is offered on Canvas, UWM’s online learning platform.

University Safety and Assurances:

New Employee Safe Start Training

Supervisory Professional Development (New Supervisors)

If you are in a position with supervisory responsibilities, you are required to complete the Professional Development Program for Supervisors. Individuals with first-time supervisory responsibilities must complete the training program within two years of their hire date. More information on this program and available courses may be found on Human Resources’ Professional Development webpage.

Human Resources:

Professional Development

Job-Specific Training

For other training required based on your position type, please contact your supervisor.


5. Get your PantherCard.

The PantherCard is your campus ID. Please see Retail Services’ webpage for instructions on how to obtain your PantherCard.

Retail Services:

PantherCard Office

6. Activate your ePanther account to set up your UWM email address.

Please read UWM Technology Resources’ knowledgebase article for instructions on how to activate your ePanther account.

In step 11 of the knowledgebase article you will set up your multi-factor authentication (MFA) method. Your multi-factor authentication method may be an app notification, text message, phone call, or hardware token. Please see the MFA for Faculty and Staff webpage for information on how multi-factor authentication works.

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