Bike Locker Rental Complete this form to request a bike locker rental at Sandburg Hall. Name(Required) First Last Building of Residence(Required)SandburgCambridge CommonsRiverViewKenilworthRoom #(Required)UWM ID Number(Required)(9 digits)Email(Required) Phone(Required)Rental Period(Required) Academic Year (Fall-Spring Semesters – $100) Spring Semester Only ($50) Summer Only ($35) Consent to Terms & Conditions(Required) I agree to the Terms & Conditions outlined below.University Housing will provide the above-referenced bicycle locker on a rental basis for the period stated above. University Housing makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or limited, relating to the bicycle locker. Under no circumstances shall University Housing be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with the rental of the bicycle locker. Snow will not be removed around the lockers December 1st-April 1st. Shovels will be available at the Sandburg Service Desk should a bike locker need to be accessed. If the key is lost or misplaced, I understand that replacement cost for a new bike locker is $175.