Study Abroad

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for anyone, but particularly for students of language and culture. It is about much more than just visiting another country. The experience provides personal, educational, professional, and social enrichment beyond what can be taught in a classroom. While earning credits towards their degree, students simultaneously are building their resumé, seeing new perspectives, building their language skills, gaining self-confidence, and practicing flexibility as they adapt to a new environment.

UWM opportunities are available in Germany (Berlin, Frankfurt, Giessen, Marburg, and Kassel), Austria, and other European countries. Options include full year, one-semester or multi-week experiences. Students can also participate in non-UWM programs for which transfer credit may be available.


The Wisconsin-Hessen Exchange Program is the primary program through which UWM students can study abroad in Germany. There are more than ten different universities and institutions of higher learning available to UWM students and many of them with multiple programs and each with individual strengths.

For more information on Study Abroad, please contact:

Study Abroad Programs
Center of International Education
Office: Garland Hall, 138
Phone: 414-229-4846

Karolina May-Chu
Assistant Professor of German
Curtin Hall, Room 894