Courses Offered
The following is a list of all possible German courses available to students. Please refer to the UWM Schedule of Classes for courses offered during a specific semester.
- GERMAN 101 First-Semester German
- 4 cr. Undergraduate.
Introductory course for students who have had no previous work in German. - Prerequisites: 0-2 yrs of HS German or level 1 score on German placement test.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 102 Second-Semester German
- 4 cr. Undergraduate.
Continuation of German 101. - Prerequisites: grade of C or better in German 101(P) or level 2 score on German placement test. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (4 retro crs).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 111 German Life and Civilization: Part I
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
The historical and cultural heritage of Germany from earliest times to 1806: major figures and developments in German art, literature, music, philosophy, and language. In English. - Prerequisites: none.
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Last Taught: Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
- GERMAN 112 German Life and Civilization: Part II:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
The historical and cultural heritage of Germany from 1806 to the present: major figures and developments in German art, literature, music, education, and philosophy. In English. - Prerequisites: none.
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Course Rules: Not retakable for credit.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022.
- GERMAN 145 Views of Germany:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
In-depth study of selected aspects of German civilization as reflected in literature. - Prerequisites: none.
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 192 First-Year Seminar:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered. - Prerequisites: none.
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
- Last Taught: Fall 2002, Fall 2001, Fall 2000, Fall 1999.
- GERMAN 197 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, UWinteriM 2024, Spring 2023.
- GERMAN 199 Independent Study
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
- Prerequisites: soph st; 2.0 GPA, consent of instructor, and department chair.
- Course Rules: May not be retaken.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2014, Fall 2013.
- GERMAN 203 Third-Semester German
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Continuation of German 102. - Prerequisites: grade of C or better in German 102(P) or level 3 score on German placement test. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (8 retro cr).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 204 Fourth-Semester German
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Continuation of GERMAN 203. Grammar structures; vocabulary development through reading, writing, and speaking about subjects in students' fields of study; inter- and cross-disciplinary studies. - Prerequisites: grade of C or better in GERMAN 203(P) or level 4 score on German placement test. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (11 retro cr).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 289 Internship in German, Lower Division
- 1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of basic principles of German in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting. - Prerequisites: intro course in German; 2.25 gpa; cons supervising faculty member.
- Course Rules: One cr earned for academic work based on 40 hours in internship. May be retaken to 6 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2001.
- GERMAN 297 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work levels, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work. - Prerequisites: acceptance in Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020.
- GERMAN 299 Ad Hoc:
- 1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem. - Prerequisites: none; additional prerequisites may be assigned to specific topic.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2000, Fall 1999, Summer 1997, Fall 1995.
- GERMAN 331 German Grammar in Practice
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Review of major structures in German grammar; application of those structures through writing and speaking. Emphasis on written accuracy and proficiency. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 204(P) or equiv. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (14 retro cr).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2021.
- GERMAN 332 Presentation and Composition
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Practice in presentation and composition, with emphasis on issues in post-war and contemporary German culture, written accuracy, and proficiency. - Prerequisites: German 204(P) or equiv. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (14 retro cr).
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- GERMAN 333 Texts and Contexts
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Reading and analysis of literary and non-literary texts in German; introduction to basic textual analysis skills. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019.
- GERMAN 334 Introduction to German Studies
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Survey of German literature and culture from 1750 to the present. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- General Education Requirements: HU
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- GERMAN 341 Undergrad Seminar in German-Amer Studies: Germans in Wisconsin & Milwaukee
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Student projects and presentations on the various aspects of the German heritage in Wisconsin and Milwaukee. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Course Rules: Required of ethnic studies majors with a German-American concentration.
- Last Taught: Fall 2016, Fall 2005.
- GERMAN 360 German for the Global World
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Vocabulary, writing, reading, and oral German skills needed for the global world. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015.
- GERMAN 371 German Phonetics
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Focus on English-German contrasts and pronunciation difficulties; phonetic transcription; drills in pronunciation. - Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor; GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- Course Rules: Previously GERMAN 671.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2014, Fall 2012.
- GERMAN 397 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: acceptance in Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, UWinteriM 2023, Spring 2022.
- GERMAN 415 Topics in German Studies:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Exploration of selected topics in German Studies. Critical analysis of a variety of texts and contexts. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
- GERMAN 415G Topics in German Studies:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Exploration of selected topics in German Studies. Critical analysis of a variety of texts and contexts. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
- GERMAN 425 Introduction to German Translation
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Introduction to skills necessary to professional translation from German to English, including text analysis, summarizing texts, and terminology research. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 331(P) or GERMAN 332(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015.
- GERMAN 456 German Literature from the Turn of the Century to World War II
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Major literary movements, writers, and works of the first half of the twentieth century; expressionism, 'Neue Sachlichkeit,' and exile literature. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 333(P) or GERMAN 334(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2010, Fall 2006, Fall 2003.
- GERMAN 460 German Literature from 1945 to the Present
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Literary writers and works of the German-speaking countries from 1945 to the present. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 333(P) or GERMAN 334(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2012.
- GERMAN 460G German Literature from 1945 to the Present
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Literary writers and works of the German-speaking countries from 1945 to the present. - Prerequisites: GERMAN 333(P) or GERMAN 334(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2012.
- GERMAN 474 German for Professional Purposes
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Language and structures of Germany's professional world. Historical, political, legal, economic, social and cultural forces shaping Germany today. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P) and completion of 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2019.
- GERMAN 474G German for Professional Purposes
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Language and structures of Germany's professional world. Historical, political, legal, economic, social and cultural forces shaping Germany today. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P) and completion of 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2019.
- GERMAN 475 Seminar on the History and Structure of German
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of the German language from its beginnings to the present. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P) and completion of 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.
- GERMAN 475G Seminar on the History and Structure of German
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of the German language from its beginnings to the present. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P) and completion of 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.
- GERMAN 478 Reading Older German Handwriting
- 3 cr. Undergraduate.
Study of German writing styles typical in older documents. Analysis and transliteration of birth certificates, letters, and family histories along with other documents of cultural importance. - Prerequisites: junior standing; GERMAN 332(P); and completion of at least 3 cr upper-division GERMAN elective coursework.
- Course Rules: Previously GERMAN 488.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021, Spring 2017, Spring 2014, Spring 2012.
- GERMAN 483 Seminar on German Studies:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
In-depth study of major themes, genres, or authors in German-language literature and culture; particular theoretical ideas and methods applied to selected texts. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P); and completion of at least 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/ change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 483G Seminar on German Studies:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
In-depth study of major themes, genres, or authors in German-language literature and culture; particular theoretical ideas and methods applied to selected texts. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P); and completion of at least 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/ change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
- GERMAN 484 Seminar on Themes and Motifs in German Literature:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Recurring themes, patterns, and figures in German-language literature. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P); and completion of at least 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/ change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
- GERMAN 484G Seminar on Themes and Motifs in German Literature:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Recurring themes, patterns, and figures in German-language literature. - Prerequisites: jr st; GERMAN 332(P); and completion of at least 3 cr upper-division German electives.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/ change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
- GERMAN 489 Internship in German, Upper Division
- 1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of advanced principles of German in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting. - Prerequisites: German 332(426)(P), 333(P), & 334(P); 2.25 gpa; cons supervising faculty member.
- Course Rules: One cr earned for academic work based on 40 hrs in internship. May be retaken to 6 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2018, Spring 2016, Summer 2012.
- GERMAN 497 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work levels, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work. - Prerequisites: junior standing and acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Summer 2023.
- GERMAN 497G Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work levels, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work. - Prerequisites: junior standing and acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Summer 2023.
- GERMAN 499 Ad Hoc:
- 1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires department and associate dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one additional semester. - Prerequisites: junior standing; additional prerequisites may be assigned to specific topic.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Spring 2009, Fall 2008.
- GERMAN 597 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance in Study Abroad Prog.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
- GERMAN 597G Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance in Study Abroad Prog.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
- GERMAN 697 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance in Study Abroad Prog.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2014, Fall 2013.
- GERMAN 697G Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enable students studying language abroad to receive course credit at appropriate level. - Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance in Study Abroad Prog.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2014, Fall 2013.
- GERMAN 699 Independent Reading
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Advanced independent work under the supervision of a German faculty or instructional academic staff member. Students must submit a study proposal. For more information, consult the German program coord. - Prerequisites: jr st; 2.0 GPA; consent of instructor, department chair, and Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.