The German major at UWM is more than just instruction in language. A wide array of culture, literature, linguistic, civilization and professional (e.g. Business German) courses also are offered. During any semester, you will find beginning, intermediate and advanced language, composition and conversation courses.
Knowledge of German culture and language opens a wide array of career doors. It is a pivotal language in the study of engineering, science, math, business, medicine, philosophy, literature, music, art, theater, psychology, anthropology and sociology. Moreover, studying a second language has been shown to increase a person’s reading and listening comprehension, critical thinking skills, reasoning and logic – all of which are valuable and transferable skills across fields of study and careers.
The German major requires a minimum of 30 credits. At least 18 of the 30 credits must be at the 300 level and above and taken in residence at UWM. No more than 18 credits will be accepted from study abroad. For further details about the major requirements, see Major Requirements webpage.