Building Chair Information

Building Chair Resources

Roster of Building Chairs & Alternates

UWM Building Hours – Follow link and click “Building Information”
to find the most current building hours.

Building Information and Line Drawings PDF-3

Checklist for Notifications by Building Chairs After Emergencies PDF-3


Required Workplace Postings

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy PDF-3

Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law - Poster Supplement PDF-3

Pay Transparency Policy PDF-3

Required Posters Chart 2019

Building Chair Duties

  1. Notify the Facility Services dispatcher (x4742) of any malfunction of facilities or equipment (i.e., roofs, corridors, rest rooms, building exteriors, etc.) that are not under the direct supervision of any department chair.
  2. Serve as a liaison between departments and Facility Services in matters pertaining to building equipment and maintenance.
  3. Serve as a liaison between departments and the Campus Security Committee and the University Police Department in matters pertaining to security and safety issues and policies.
    • with departments in the building, the placement of security information;
    • with Facility Services, the placement of bulletin boards and signs within each building;
    • with UITS (Network Operations Center [NOC]), the location of public campus phones within the building;
    • all required postings are posted on the building bulletin board;
  5. Meet periodically with the other building chairs to discuss matters related to building maintenance and security. The Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administrative Affairs will coordinate at least one meeting of chairs per year.
  6. Be prepared to communicate with UWM Finance and Administrative Affairs’ departments on facility issues using e-mail.
  7. Appoint a Building Chair Alternate.