Step 1: Sign in, at work
Before you take the computer home, you must sign in to the computer while it is on UWM’s network.
The computer will remember you, and when you get home, you should be able to sign in, with no problems.
Step 2: Download the VPN
Use these directions to download UWM’s Global Protect VPN. You will need this to access UWM’s network, shared file servers, or to get remote help from UITS.
Step 3: Back up all files
Save all your files to a USB flash drive, to your email, or to Microsoft OneDrive.
If you need to use uFile, you will need to download the Global Protect VPN before leaving campus. This will be the only way to access the uFile from home.
Step 4: Gather all computer gear
You will need the laptop and the power cord.
Optional gear: monitor (with cords), keyboard, and mouse.
Note: If the keyboard and mouse are cordless, you’ll need the USB chip that goes with them.
Step 5: Set computer up at home
- Turn on laptop
- Sign in
- Click WiFi button in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
- Find and click your home WiFi network.
- Enter the password.
Step 6 (Optional): Connect monitor, keyboard, mouse
- Connect monitor cord to laptop.
- Plug monitor power cord into the wall.
- Set up dual screens using these directions.
- Plug keyboard and mouse into USB ports on laptop. If they are wireless, plug the chip into the USB port on the laptop, and turn on the keyboard and mouse. They should connect automatically, once they are on.