Faculty and Staff Directory
- Data and Communications Specialist, Office of Clinical Experiences
- andersoc@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 371
- Clinical Experience Coordinator, Office of Clinical Experiences
- bierce@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 367
- Associate Dean and Head of School, School of Education in the College of Community Engagement and Professions
- Professor, Educational Psychology
- davis838@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7085
- Enderis Hall 595
- Assistant to the Head of School, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- anagamez@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5218
- Enderis Hall 579
- Senior Academic Program Specialist, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- korinek@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5253
- Enderis Hall 589
- WI FoRT Coordinator, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- Literacy Lecturer, Teaching and Learning
- Financial Specialist II, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- sosborne@uwm.edu
- 414-229-3024
- Enderis Hall 517
- Director and Certification Officer, Office of Clinical Experiences
- peters19@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 369
- Clinical Experience and WIP Coordinator, Office of Clinical Experiences
- rice34@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 365
- Administrative Assistant II, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- yang2469@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7856
- Enderis Hall 513