ECON 701-401Economic Theory: Microeconomics Instructor: Matthew McGinty ( Meets: TR 2:30pm-3:45pm 4 cr. Graduate.
Conventional theory of the behavior of firms, consumers, and markets; partial and general equilibria.
Prerequisites: grad st; Econ 301(P). Econ 506(R)
ECON 710-001Applied Econometrics Instructor: Narayan Kishor ( Meets: WF 10am-11:15am 3 cr. Graduate.
Application of econometrics and data science to economics and finance. Study big data and machine learning models in economics. Extensive use of statistical software including R and Python.
Prerequisites: graduate standing; ECON 703(P).
ECON 735-001Econometric Methods I Instructor: Jangsu Yoon ( Meets: TR 4pm-5:15pm 3 cr. Graduate.
Review asymptotic distribution theory, linear models and linear estimators, and their extensions. Estimation and testing of econometric models; topics including estimators for panel data models, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, limited dependent variable models, machine learning estimators.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and ECON 734(P) or consent of instructor
ECON 751-001Labor Economics I Instructor: Scott Drewianka ( Meets: MW 1pm-2:15pm 3 cr. Graduate.
Human capital investments: determinants of earnings (education, experience, incentives, discrimination, unions, compensating differentials); public sector labor markets; issues of retirement and aging.
Prerequisites: grad st; Econ 701(C).
ECON 774-201Economic Development - Theory Instructor: Hamid Mohtadi ( Meets: R 5:30pm-8:10pm 3 cr. Graduate.
Theories relating to production, distribution, and capital formation in less-developed nations.
Prerequisites: grad st; Econ 301(P) & 302(P).
ECON 801-001Advanced Microeconomic Theory I Instructor: Scott Drewianka ( Meets: MW 5:30pm-6:45pm 3 cr. Graduate.
Decision-making under risk and over time, general equilibrium and welfare, market failure, and applications, including demand systems, household production, interpersonal economics, and hedonic pricing.
Prerequisites: grad st; Econ 701(P) & 506(P). Econ 606(R).
ECON 802-001Advanced Macroeconomic Theory I Instructor: Antu Murshid ( Meets: TR 4pm-5:15pm 3 cr. Graduate.
Money, credit, and governmental operations in aggregative analysis; critical study of some aggregative and analytical systems.
Prerequisites: grad st; Econ 702(P).