Other Worldism: Handling the Challenges of Living in Two Worlds

Immigration isn’t always about moving countries. The same feelings of risk and isolation also ixist for those who are making different career choices or experiencing different levels of success than others in their social circles. What are these challenges? How... Read More

Don’t Underestimate the Value of a T-Shirt

The most beautiful and most terrifying things on earth are created as a result of heat and pressure – diamonds and volcanic eruptions. How do you build teams that have a sense of belonging and purpose? What defines a relationship... Read More


“Honey, are you lost?” “No, I’m your new boss.”

Meet the new woman leader on her first day on the factory floor, as a young woman entering the world of male-dominated, union-controlled manufacturing. Rendela Wenzel, currently serving as Eli Lilly’s Global IoT Leader will share the story of this... Read More


“You’re Only There Because You’re A Woman”

As companies strive to become more diverse, ingrained cultural norms are challenged to accept that traditional traits of leadership are transforming as we realize more and more the benefits of diversity on their teams. This discussion will explore the challenges... Read More
