Martha Silano – She’s Pretty Much Who She Was; A Poem about Twinflower

Natalie Martell – Growing Things; Thalassophobia

Nicholas Wong – The urge to destroy is also; Gen X Odes

John A. Nieves – Scattering

Oak Morse – Hawk Heat Black Man

Dara Yen Elerath – A List of Facts; Sex

B.B.P. Hosmillo – Geography of Abuse, or the Rooms My Partner Built; Deformation Sonnet

Matthew Thomas Bernell – The Way from Sweetwater

Nora Gupta – Elegy for Aunt Kate

Meghan Sterling Snowfall with Madness and Synesthesia

Christopher Brean Murray – Dreams of Labrador

Aleena Ahmed Paralysis

Anthony Thomas Lombardi – praying mantis’s head being devoured by its mate under a full buck moon; sonnet in which the Poet contemplates suicide, his dead Mother as the Holy Ghost, & the cranes in Purgatory as messengers from God

Oliver Brooks Trans Day of [Visibility/Remembrance/Lamentation/Liberation]

Eli V. Rahm UNTITLED 1969

Rebe Huntman Marriage With Caged Sky & Lines from Rumi

Puneet Dutt Neon Syzygy

Sean Cho A Rushed Sonnet #1; Rushed Sonnet #4

Allison Field Bell – The Girls

Ann Pedone – The Directory; from: Sheep

J. Bailey Hutchinson – Feast; Lake Poem


Emily Forester – You’re Ready When We Are

Katie McMorris – The Shrinking

Jackie Reitzes – Contranyms

Danica Li – The Old Man and the Wart

Amanda Gersh – This Old Child

Chelsea Lebron – Eviction Notice

Darren Huang – I Look Up

Swetha AmitThe Sweetness of Semolina

Gabrielle Lucille FuentesThe Jasper Fox

Marcia Brauer – Out of This World

Tschiegg – No Title (Cover); Blue

Torey Akers – mthr thrsa

Alicia Josten Zapata – Walk Lightly; Good Bones

Sarah Beth Childers – Gravida 5.1

Mary Christine Kane – Things I could do with the sweater you gave me, that light cotton cardigan with tan and cream horizontal stripes and red and pink flowers appliqued, which sounds ugly but is beautiful—strangers stop to tell me so although I rarely bring myself to wear it now.

Hilary Schaper – Sitting

Joanna Acevedo – Joy

Antonia Pozzi, translated by Amy Newman – Don Quixote

Constantine P. Cavafy, translated by Alex de Voogt – I have brought to the Arts

Miguel Otero Silva, translated by Chris Holdaway – The Choir’s Eighth Voice is that of the City

Current Issue: 48.2

Photo of cover of Cream City Review Issue 44.2

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46.1 Spring/Summer 2022

45.2 Fall/Winter 2021

45.1 Spring/Summer 2021

33.2 Fall/Winter 2009


33.1 Spring/Summer 2009


32.2 Fall/Winter 2008


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28.2 Fall/Winter 2004


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22.2 Spring 1998


22.1 Fall 1997


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20th Anniversary 1996


19.2 Spring/Summer 1996


19.1 Spring/Summer 1995


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18.1 Spring/Summer 1994


17.2 Fall/Winter 1993


17.1 Spring/Summer 1993


16.2 Fall/Winter 1992


16.1 Spring/Summer 1992


15.2 Fall/Winter 1991


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5.2 Spring 1980

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2.1 Winter 1976


1.3 Fall 1976

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