Kayleb Rae Candrilli – Under the Etcetera of Moonlight On Reunion

Matthew Viegut – Cream City Review Day Student Short Poems

Alayna Patricia Harms – Cream City Review Day Student Short Poems

Olivia Sio Tse – Tuna

Bradley Clompus – Suburban Dam; Pose of Prisoners

Sara Ellen Fowler – Window; I learn to lick


Kelly Gray – Townspeople


Marina Greenfeld Excavation

Kiyanna Hill – My Manic Mother Dances in Her Own Moonlight

Margaret Malochleb – Black Box

Michael Mercurio – Something Dark, Turning

Sébastien Luc Butler An Atom Does Not Exist Until it is Measured

Soleil Garneau To West, To Battle

Holly Karapetkova from After the Accident

Maurya Simon Unfinished Poem; Calisthenic

K Janeschek Elegy for Girlhood

Lane Falcon – The Window

Seth Leeper – dream craters in five acts

Mimi Yang – A Letter from My Great-Grandfather to Me


M. Stevenson – Dissected

Taara Khalilnaji –  Five Micros

Kara Crawford – Tartare

Yaerim Gen Kwon – Last Meal

Jeffrey N. Johnson – Word Search

Juan Pablo Bustamante – The Yellow House

Dashka Slater – A Detour on the Way to the World

allison annematch cut

Amal Azzam – Ups & Downs; Dollar Signs

Sandra Dunn – Seeds; ENC Black

Amal Azzam – Infinite Handalah (Cover)

Timothy Laurence Marsh – Preface to a Meltdown

Ben Reed –  A Vicarious Incantation: The Love-Letter Mixtape

Amy Benson – Mithridates

Jeffrey Utzinger – Colony Collapse

Current Issue: 48.1

Photo of cover of Cream City Review Issue 44.2

$12 US / $14 CAN


39.2 Fall/Winter 2015


39.1 Spring/Summer 2015


38.2 Fall/Winter 2014


38.1 Spring/Summer 2014


37.2 Fall/Winter 2013


37.1 Spring/Summer 2013


36.2 Fall/Winter 2012


36.1 Spring/Summer 2012


35.2 Fall/Winter 2011


35.1 Spring/Summer 2011


Photo of cover of Cream City Review Issue 34.2

34.2 Fall/Winter 2010


34.1 Spring/Summer 2010


33.2 Fall/Winter 2009


33.1 Spring/Summer 2009


32.2 Fall/Winter 2008


32.1 Spring/Summer 2008


31.2 Fall/Winter 2007


31.1 Spring/Summer 2007


30.2 Fall/Winter 2006


30.1 Spring/Summer 2006


29.2 Fall/Winter 2005


29.1 Spring/Summer 2005


28.2 Fall/Winter 2004


28.1 Spring/Summer 2004


27.2 Fall/Winter 2003


27.1 Spring/Summer 2003


26.2 Fall/Winter 2002


26.1 Spring/Summer 2002


25.0 Summer 2001


24.2 Fall/Winter 2000


24.1 Spring/Summer 2000


23.2 Spring 1999


23.1 Fall 1998


22.2 Spring 1998


22.1 Fall 1997


21.2 Spring 1997


21.1 Fall 1996


20th Anniversary 1996


19.2 Spring/Summer 1996


19.1 Spring/Summer 1995


18.2 Fall/Winter 1994


18.1 Spring/Summer 1994


17.2 Fall/Winter 1993


17.1 Spring/Summer 1993


16.2 Fall/Winter 1992


16.1 Spring/Summer 1992


15.2 Fall/Winter 1991


15.1 Spring/Summer 1991


14.2 Fall/Winter 1990


14.1 Spring/Summer 1990


13.2 Fall 1989


13.1 Winter 1989


12.2 Summer 1988


12.1 Winter 1988







10.1 Spring 1985


9.0 Spring 1984


8.0 Spring 1983


7.2 Spring 1982


7.1 Fall 1981


6.2 Spring 1981


6.1 Fall 1980


5.2 Spring 1980

5.1 Winter 1979


4.2 Spring 1979

4.1 Fall 1978


3.2 Spring 1978

3.1 Fall 1977

2.1 Winter 1976


1.3 Fall 1976

1.2 Spring 1976

1.1 Fall 1975