Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Dr. Nandini Pandey, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Reading Augustan Rome”
Friday, November 13, 2015, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall 939
Dr. Pandey’s research focuses on Latin poetry in its complex relationship with early imperial art and political power. Her current book project, Inventing Augustus: The Poetics of Power in Early Imperial Rome, explores how Vergil, Horace, and the elegists, especially Ovid, responded to Augustan iconography in ways that shaped its perception in subsequent culture. She has recently published an article on the semiotic evolution of the Julian star (TAPA, Fall 2013) and has forthcoming articles on Vergil and the Forum Augustum (Vergilius, Fall 2014) and the dilemma in Lucan’s Pharsalia (ICS, Fall 2014).
Hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee