As an academic-industry partnership, the Center for Technology Innovation brings together industry partners to engage with Lubar faculty and other IT executives, creating a forum for discussion and advancement of information, research, and education in information technology management.

CTI offers three levels of corporate membership:


  • One complimentary admission to every CTI workshop
  • Invitation to member-only roundtables and panel discussions
  • Participate in advisory committees
  • Access to student resumes and career fairs
  • Name appears on membership roster

Board of Directors

  • All benefits of Members (see above)
  • Two complimentary admissions to every CTI workshop
  • Participate in planning CTI events and activities
  • Chance to compete in a semester-long student project

Corporate Partners

  • All benefits of Members (see above)
  • Five complimentary admissions to every CTI workshop
  • Participate in planning CTI events and activities
  • One guaranteed semester-long student project annually or selection of two topics for workshop
  • Corporate name/logo listed as sponsor at all CTI events
  • Access to ITM students in at CTI-sponsored events.
  • Access to ITM faculty for research projects
Dr. Scott Schanke
Director, Center for Technology Innovation
Assistant Professor, Information Technology Management
Lubar Hall N369

CIO Roundtable:
Learning from our corporate partners

cti partners in classroom
Each spring, CTI hosts a CIO Roundtable to allow our faculty to learn about the latest trends in industry, and to get feedback on the skill sets required of our graduates. “Front of mind” for the industry includes cyber security, evaluating the value of IT through metrics, agile development, mobile, big data, and the customer experience.  In addition to strong technical competence, CIOs identified communication, problem solving, the ability to build a business case, and project management among desired skills for new hires.

The most recent participating companies included: Brady Corporation, Harley-Davidson, Joy Global, MGIC, Pactera Technology, Rockwell Automation, Trisept Solutions, and We Energies.
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