There is a significant number of scholarships available to students continuing in their academic program within the Lubar College of Business beyond their first year. Scholarships in this group are competitive and vary greatly in value and eligibility requirements.

Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate students currently enrolled in a Lubar College of Business academic program. Specific eligibility requirements vary by award.

How to apply: Continuing students will complete one application through the Panther Scholarship Portal (the Lubar College of Business Continuing Student conditional application, separate from the General Application) to be considered for all continuing student awards. Applications open November 1 with a deadline of February 1. Applications will be reviewed, and selected recipients will be notified in early-March.

Award RequirementsQuantityValue
Kelechi Anyanwu MPS Alumni ScholarshipGraduate of Milwaukee Public Schools, strong academic merit (3.50 cum GPA), full-time junior or senior Accounting or Finance major.Six$1,000
Steven J. Appel ’64 and Joyce C. Appel ’82, ’85 Accounting ScholarshipEnrolled as a sophomore with demonstrated intent to pursue Accounting degree, minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrated financial need, employed part-time during academic year.One$2,000
Brunswick/Reichert ScholarshipFull-time, undergraduate at junior or senior level or graduate student, demonstrated financial need, good academic standing.Two$5,000
Victor Chou ScholarshipDeclared major in Finance, senior, 3.5 or higher GPA, demonstrated financial need, demonstrated community services/extracurricular activities.Three$3,000
Dedicated Computing Scholarship in Information Technology ManagementUndergraduate with minimum Junior standing and declared major in Information Technology Management, Demonstrated financial need, good academic standing.One$2,000
Enterprise Rent-A-Car ScholarshipJunior or senior, full-time, business major, financial need.One$2,000
Sheila and Michael Falbo ScholarshipAdmitted to the Lubar College and enrolled in the junior year; cumulative GPA of 2.5-3.0; financial need; graduate of a Wisconsin high school.Two$1,000
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Carrie Ehlers Memorial ScholarshipUndergrad with minimum junior standing and declared major in business/finance, financial need, preference to students from Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, or Ozaukee counties then SE Wisconsin.One$1,500
Greater Milwaukee Foundation William and Ardie A. Halyard ScholarshipUndergraduate student from Milwaukee.One$2,500
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Weiss Family ScholarshipFull-time junior or senior, 3.0 or higher GPA, demonstrated financial need, preference to resident of Milwaukee County, with further preference for City of Milwaukee.Two$9,500
Kevin Houlihan Insurance & Risk Management ScholarshipUndergraduate student of sophomore or higher standing, with intended or declared major in Finance.  Preference is given to a student interested in insurance and risk management.One$1,000
Phillip and Cathy Kleiber ScholarshipUndergraduate, intended or declared major in the Lubar College of Business; financial need.One$5,000
Allan & Mary Klotsche ScholarshipSophomore, Junior or Senior or Graduate student, full-time, completed Bus Adm 292, Bus Adm 447 or Bus Mgmt 713, 1-2 letters of reference from instructors in the entrepreneurial area at UWM.One$2,000
Kurt Klumb Memorial ScholarshipJunior or Senior, 2.5 or higher GPA, demonstrated financial need, demonstrated community service.One$1,000
The Ronald and Marjorie Krizek Scholarship in FinanceFinance major, excellence in Finance, resident of Waukesha County, employed while enrolled, prefer interest in risk management.One$3,500
The Legacy ScholarshipUndergraduate enrolled in the Lubar College of Business; minimum 3.0 GPA; financial need; resident of Milwaukee, first generation college student.One$2,000
Lubar College of Business Scholarship (Mundshau)Undergraduate or Graduate student in the Lubar College of Business; academic merit; may consider financial need.Two$3,000
Lubar College of Business Alumni Chapter ScholarshipUndergraduate Junior or Senior, Admitted to the Business Major, Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA, Non-traditional student–defined by a student that did not attend school 2+ years between high school and college but is now going to school part- or full-time, a student 25+ years old going to school part- or full-time, or a student attending school part-time, demonstrated financial need, preference given to those with demonstrated community service.One$1,500
Manske Family ScholarshipLubar College of Business undergraduate junior or senior, any major in the School with the exception of Accounting, full-time enrollment, minimum 3.50 GPA, demonstrated financial need.Two$5,000
Marcus Corporation Foundation ScholarshipJunior or Senior, demonstrated academic merit, demonstrated leadership capability, demonstrated financial need, preference to graduate of high school in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington, or Waukesha County, preference to a child of a benefits eligible Marcus employee.Two$2,500
Martin and Ungar Family ScholarshipFull-time undergraduate, junior or senior standing, declared major in Business, academic merit–minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0, financial need, graduation from a high school located within Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, or Waukesha Counties, demonstrated interest in entrepreneurship.One$2,500
Jeffrey & Debra Metz Family ScholarshipUndergraduate student pursuing a degree in the Lubar College of Business.One$1,500
Pat and Jerry Moriarity ScholarshipFinancial need, full-time sophomore, 3.0 or higher GPA, US Citizen, graduated from a Wisconsin high school, Major in Accounting or Finance.One$5,000
Kirk R. Petshek Memorial ScholarshipUndergraduate student, student with a disability (preference given to students with physical disabilities though other disabilities may be considered), if no students with disabilities–can award to student with financial need.One$4,000
Lorin Radtke ScholarshipDemonstrated academic merit (3.0 or higher GPA), demonstrated financial need, full-time Junior or Senior, preference for student majoring in Finance or Accounting, graduate of Milwaukee Public Schools, eligible for in-state tuition.One$13,000
Jack F. Reichert Business ScholarshipUndergraduate or Graduate student, demonstrated financial need, achieved academically.Five$5,000
Stephen and Shelagh Roell ScholarshipOpen to any student enrolled in the Lubar College of Business.One$1,000
Douglas and Jean Schwinn Opportunity ScholarshipFull-time Junior or Senior, prefer financial need.One$7,500
Szymczak ScholarshipFull-time Junior or Senior, 3.0 or higher GPA, demonstrated community service, leadership, and integrity.Four$4,500
Stilin Business ScholarshipJunior standing; cumulative 2.50-3.00; enrolled in minimum of six credits; demonstrated financial need; facing personal or financial challenges.Two$2,500
Carol and Hans Storr Scholarships in Business and FinanceUndergraduate or graduate student enrolled in program leading to degree in business; demonstrated academic achievement & leadership potential.  Preference for finance major.Two$5,000
Steven Tholl ’81 and Diane Buckshnis Business ScholarshipBusiness scholarship for undergraduate student, accepted or enrolled in Lubar College of Business. Preference: student with personal or financial challenges plus one or more of these: first generation to attend college; gap of one year or more between high school and college.One$2,000
Robert and Sylvia Wheeler ScholarshipJunior or Senior enrolled in the Lubar College of Business; cumulative GPA minimum 3.0; preference for: demonstrated financial need, first generation college student.One$4,000
Wigchers Family Real Estate ScholarshipUndergraduate junior or senior standing, enrolled full time, business major,  pursuing Real Estate Certificate, successfully passed Bus Adm 380 “Introduction to Real Estate Markets” with grade of “B” or better.One$2,000

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