Faculty & Staff Directory
- Teaching Faculty III, Theatre & Stage Management
- Production Manager, Theatre Department
- berlin@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5903
- Art Building 271
- Associate Professor, College of General Studies/Affiliate Faculty Appointment in the PSOA Theatre Department
- deckersj@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8816
- WAK Southview S002
- Teaching Faculty III, Theatre Education & Directing
- Director, K-12 Theatre Education
- Outreach Coordinator, Theatre
- janes@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8209
- Art Building 232
- Professor, Theatre
- Teaching Fellow, Lubar Entrepreneurship Center
- rmello@uwm.edu
- 141-446-9927
- Theatre Building 220
- Associate Professor, Playwriting
- Area Head, Theatre Practices
- riosa@uwm.edu
- Art Building 280