UWM Winterdances Performance

Power to shape society, spark innovation and move culture

That’s what Peck School of the Arts offers every student artist. Attending an arts school embedded in a major research university means every student receives the support needed to positively affect and engage the wider community and the world. As entrepreneurs, students are challenged to explore sustainable solutions to current issues through innovation, artistry and community engagement.

If you’ve previously earned credit in the UW System or Wisconsin Technical College and would like to evaluate how your courses may transfer, or for more information, visit UWM’s transfer page.

Peck School of the Arts applications require a two-step process for dance, music and theatre including entrance auditions and/or interviews. New term applications will be available near the start of August.

Step 1: Apply to UW-Milwaukee

To receive communications through the Admissions process from Peck School of the Arts, make sure you select a program from the degree list when applying to the University.

University Application

We’re so excited you’re taking this first step toward earning your college degree! As a new freshman, you can apply using either the UW System application or the Common App. You can find those applications and all the information you need to complete your application at the link below.

Step 2: Apply to Peck School of the Arts

Applicants must meet general University admission requirements in addition to specific program requirements below.

Interested in declaring a minor or certificate? Contact us to get started.
Art & Design

After being admitted to UW-Milwaukee and indicating an Art program as your chosen major, no further steps are required to start taking foundation classes in the Department of Art & Design.

Those interested in applying for departmental scholarships should do so by December 15 for priority consideration.


To be accepted into the Dance BA or BFA program, applicants must also be accepted to UW-Milwaukee and complete a successful entrance audition within the Peck School of the Arts.

Those interested in departmental scholarships should complete requirements by March 1 for priority consideration.


Statement of Intent
Upload a one-page PDF (300 word minimum) that describes how your interests and experience relates to your intended college choice and career path.


Applicants may audition in-person or by submitting a video.

In-Person Audition
Auditions will be held on the UW-Milwaukee campus. They include faculty introductions, facility tours, technique classes in a variety of forms, performance of a one-minute solo, and question and answer session with faculty. We will inform you of which technique classes will be included.

Dates for *Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 consideration
Friday, December 6, 2024 *‡
Friday, February 7, 2025 ‡
Saturday, March 8, 2025 ‡

Video Audition
Students who are unable to audition in-person may submit a video audition.

Applicants should record themselves in three videos
Dancing in a technique class variation one
Dancing in a technique class variation two
One solo performance

Videos should be recorded in a studio or gym, not a residential space like a living room or bedroom (if possible). They can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo or a file sharing site like Google Drive or Dropbox. The links, plus related explanations and/or necessary passwords, should be included.

Questions: dance-admission@uwm.edu

Film, Video, Animation & New Genres

After being admitted to UW-Milwaukee and indicating a Film program as your chosen major, no further steps are required to start taking foundation classes in the Department of Film, Video, Animation & New Genres.

Those interested in applying for departmental scholarships should do so by January 31 for priority consideration.


To be accepted into the Music BA or BFA program, applicants must also be accepted to UW-Milwaukee and complete a successful entrance audition and/or interview within the Peck School of the Arts.

Those interested in departmental scholarships should complete requirements by March 1 for priority consideration.


Statement of Intent
Upload a one-page PDF (100 word minimum) that describes your desired musical career and how studying at UWM will help prepare you.

Music Theory Placement Exam
All intended music majors are required to take a 30-60 minute online theory placement exam. Applicants will receive an email with instructions and a link prior to their audition or interview. Please complete the exam soon after receiving it.

Piano Placement Video
Those with prior piano experience may share a short video in order to place you in the appropriate course level. Videos should include the two segments below and be uploaded to YouTube. The frame should include your entire upper body and a view of both hands.

  1. One piece hands together – no memory required, classical in style (i.e. no original compositions, jazz, pop music, etc.)
  2. Two scales hands together – one major, one minor, two octaves, correct fingerings

Audition or Interview

All Music BA and BFA degree programs require an audition or interview and have specific audition requirements. Applicants will attend an orientation, a Department of Music student convocation, and meet with faculty. The typical day starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends around 2 p.m. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend. Presentations from Financial Aid, the Student Health and Wellness Center, and University Housing will be offered.

While in-person is highly recommended, we understand some applicants may need to submit digitally and meet virtually.

Dates for *Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 consideration
Friday, December 6, 2024 *
Friday, February 7, 2025 
Monday, February 17, 2025 
Friday, March 7, 2025 
Friday, April 4, 2025 
Digital submission and virtual interview *

Questions: music-admission@uwm.edu


To be accepted into the Theatre BA or BFA program, applicants must also be accepted to UW-Milwaukee and complete a successful entrance audition and/or interview within the Peck School of the Arts.

Those interested in department scholarships should complete requirements by March 1 for priority consideration.


Resume & Statement of Intent (All programs)
A one-page resume detailing your performance/production or teaching experiences and extracurricular activities, and an additional one-page statement describing how your interests and past experiences relate to your intended college choice and career path.

Letter of Recommendation (Production, Acting, Musical Theatre)
1-2 letters from instructors or employers familiar with your theatre or teaching experience and/or academic ability.

Pre-screen Performance Recordings (Acting, Musical Theatre)
A performance you will record and submit with your Theatre application. Requirements vary by program.

Music Theory & Piano Placement Exams (Musical Theatre)
Students with prior piano or music theory experience will have the option of taking a theory exam and/or sharing a piano composition video to help with course placement.


If you are applying for Production, we will reach out after submission to arrange a customized department tour, interview with faculty and discussion with current students.

If you are applying to our other BA or BFA programs, please see the schedule below and note any specific application requirements. During your interview you will be asked to share your motivation for pursuing this course of study and to present any questions you may have. If you are applying for Performance you may be asked to repeat your audition piece and take direction on it.

Dates for *Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 consideration
Friday, December 6, 2024 *
Friday, February 7, 2025 
Friday, March 7, 2025 
Friday, April 4, 2025 
If you are not able to meet in person due to distance or other factors, please contact theatre-admission@uwm.edu to request an alternative option prior to submitting your application.
Auditionee ScheduleActivity
8:30-9 a.m.Check-in
9-9:30 a.m.Theatre Faculty Welcome and Overview
9:30-11:30 a.m.Individual Interviews
11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.Q&A: Current Theatre Student
Family Member ScheduleActivity
8:30-9 a.m.Check-in
9-9:30 a.m.Welcome: Admissions and Advising
9:30-10 a.m.Student Health & Wellness Center Presentation
10-10:30 a.m.Financial Aid Presentation
10:30-11:30 a.m.Tour of the Theatre Department
11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.Q&A: Current Theatre Student

Questions: theatre-admission@uwm.edu

A graduate education at UWM is more than just a degree. It’s an experience.

Whether you are interested in a professional master’s degree or advancing your career with a graduate certificate, you can be confident in knowing that we are just as committed to your education as you are.

Graduate Program Contacts

Art & DesignJessica Meuninck Gangerart-grad-admission@uwm.edu
DanceMaria Gillespiedance-grad-admission@uwm.edu
Film & AnimationMike Gibisserfilm-grad-admission@uwm.edu
MusicTim Noonanmusic-grad-admission@uwm.edu

Department Requirements

Art & Design

Please review individual program requirements by selecting your desired degree within the UWM Catalog and navigating to the requirements tab. After review, complete and submit the Graduate School application.

Application Deadline

Fall: January 25
Those eligible for the Advanced Opportunity Program Fellowship (AOP) should apply by December 10.


Please review the Dance, MFA requirements prior to completing and submitting the Graduate School application.

Application Deadline

Summer: March 1
For priority admission and improved financial support opportunities, apply by November 1.

Film, Video, Animation & New Genres

Please review the Cinematic Arts, MFA requirements prior to completing and submitting the Graduate School application. The most substantive parts of the application include work samples, statement of intent and curriculum vitae.

Application Deadline

Fall: January 15
Application and financial support deadline.

Work Samples Instructions

Submit a PDF containing URLs and passwords (if applicable) for two moving image work samples. If a work is longer than 20 minutes, provide a link to a 5–10 minute excerpt along with a link to the full piece.

For each work sample please include the following within the PDF.

  • Title of work
  • Total run time
  • Year of production
  • Short synopsis (100-word limit)
  • A clear indication of your role in the work

Portfolios that consist of both film/video and other expanded multimedia forms may:

  • Submit a URL for ONE moving-image work sample
  • Submit links to documentation for TWO additional works (installation, sculpture, performance, etc.). Please provide links for up to 10 still images or moving image documentation as appropriate to the work. For each work sample, provide identifying information as instructed above (relevant to the work, “running time” can be replaced by “medium,” “duration” or other description.) 

Before beginning your Graduate School application, become familiar with audition and admission requirements.

Please review individual program requirements by selecting your desired degree within the UWM Catalog and navigating to the requirements tab. After review, complete and submit the Graduate School application.

Application Deadline

Fall: March 1 | Spring: December 1
Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed on a rolling basis and may not be processed in time for the intended semester. 

For programs that require an audition/interview, we strongly recommend you submit the Music Audition Form and the Music Performance Audition Registration in your application one month prior to the deadline. Your audition/interview does not need to be completed prior to the application deadline. 

Do you already hold a bachelor’s degree but are interested in an undergraduate teaching certification?

Peck School of the Arts offers Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification in three areas: Art Education, Music Education and Theatre Education. The Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program is available for those who already hold an undergraduate degree in the corresponding content-specific area and graduated with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. If you do not meet this requirement, you must instead apply as a second-degree seeking student.

All interested applicants are required to meet face-to-face with their area head prior to submitting the university application.

For programs regulated by the Department of Public Instruction, a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university is required.
Application DeadlineAdmission Semester
December 15Admission the following Spring or Summer
July 15Admission the following Fall

Step 1: Peck School of the Arts Application

Application & Checklist

Schedule Interview

Art Education | Email Liz Rex, rex@uwm.edu
-Requires visual arts undergraduate degree
-Portfolio review and discussion of prior undergraduate studies

Music Education | Email Sheila Feay-Shaw, feayshaw@uwm.edu
-Requires music undergraduate degree
-Primary instrument, piano and sight-singing auditions

Theatre Education | Email Ralph Janes, janes@uwm.edu
-Requires theatre undergraduate degree or equivalent (subject to review)
-Review related professional and educational experiences

Mail Official Transcript

Please send official transcripts from all institutions of higher education to the address below. Transcripts should bear an official embossed seal and remain unopened/untampered in the institution’s original envelope. If you attended UWM, you may submit unofficial transcripts.

UWM Peck School of the Arts
Assistant Dean, Student Services
Theatre Building Room 120
2400 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211


Portfolio (Art & Design only)
Upload a single PDF including 10-15 examples of your artwork representative of the breadth and depth of prior undergraduate studies. Identify each image by media, size and year of completion.

Upload a resume (two page maximum) that includes educational background, work experience, special talents/skills and other relevant experience with children.

Unofficial Transcript
Upload copies of unofficial transcripts from all institutions of higher education, including technical colleges, schools and programs (except UWM).

Education License (if applicable)
Upload copies of Wisconsin or Out-of-State Education License(s).

Stipulations Letter (if applicable)
Upload any documentation that you may have received from DPI concerning any stipulations or license renewals that may pertain to your application or program requirements.

Step 2: UW-Milwaukee Application

University Application

Application Fee

There is no application fee to apply as a non-degree undergraduate. Please ignore the payment page and DO NOT MAKE A PAYMENT.

Application Fields

When prompted about specific fields on your application, please be sure to define yourself as the following:

  • Undergraduate
  • Transfer
  • Has a Degree

Required Statement

For the required statement, the applicant should explicitly state whether they’re applying to the Art, Music or Theatre Education Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program.

Laptop Requirements

Preparing for a future defined by digital technology is an important step in developing artists. Our digitally integrated curriculum helps you achieve a professional level with leading art-related software and practices.