Theatre Department

The Department of Theatre challenges every student to become an artist who can dream, imagine, and engage the world. 

We teach theatre as a way of exploring and positively affecting society and the people in it. When you study theatre at UWM, you join a diverse and welcoming community of theatre makers committed to your learning and success in the broad world of creative practice, performance, production, and education.

Undergraduate Programs
Ralph Janes,

General Info & Questions
Contact Form | 414-229-4763

Department Programs


Our emphasis on forging meaningful connections sets us apart. Our accomplished faculty of working artists, dedicated staff and the wider arts community will become your collaborators and mentors. These connections are seamlessly woven into your education, providing you with a strong network of industry professionals.

Situated in Milwaukee, our department grants you access to Wisconsin’s thriving creative economy. As a theatre student, you’ll have exclusive opportunities to intern and collaborate with leading performing arts organizations. Outside of the classroom, our students are involved with all of the city’s professional theatre companies, including the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, First Stage, Skylight Music Theatre and more.

From our rehearsal rooms to our stages, our spaces serve as a catalyst for your theatrical journey. Combined with our supportive environment and people dedicated to your success, our department has what you need to be inspired and empowered on your journey toward artistic growth.

News & Stories

Undergraduate Entrance Interviews
For Theatre BA and BFA programs in Spring and Fall 2024.

December 8, 2023
February 9, 2024
March 8, 2024
April 5, 2024