Congratulations to Dalila Negreiros For Passing Her Dissertation Defense!

Congratulations to Dalila Negreiros for a wonderful and successful dissertation defense!

On Friday, December 10, 2021, Dalila defended her dissertation titled, Institutional Quilombos? Black Studies in Brazil and the United States, which explores how Black Studies centers and departments in Brazil and the United States exist, survive and act politically as education and anti-races spaces.

If you were unable to attend her defense, click here to view the recording.

Dalila’s committee consists of Dr. Gladys Mitchell-Walthour (Chair, AADS, UWM), Dr. Anika Wilson (AADS, UWM), Dr. Erin Winkler (AADS, UWM), and Dr. Ollie Johnson (African American Studies, Wayne State University)

Again, congrats to Dalila on successfully defending her dissertation!