Events Archive 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
The Department of Africology is pleased to be a Community Partner for the film Finding Fela at the 2014 Milwaukee Film Festival.
September 30, 2014
The Department of Africology is pleased to co-sponsor the 2014 UWM Black Cultural Center’s annual African & African American Welcome Reception at 4:00pm.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
The Department of Africology is proud to co-sponsor a panel discussion on African American Men, Prisons, Families, Community, Fatherhood and Change in Wisconsin on Thursday, April 10, 2014. The event will be held from 7-9pm at the UWM Fireside Lounge and Associate Professor of Africology, Dr. Joyce Kirk, will be MC-ing the event. The panelists include Dr. Gary Williams (Director of Black Cultural Center), Ms. Rose Scott (President of Prison Action Milwaukee), Victor Barnett (Director of Running Rebels), and Terrence Ray (Director of Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative).
April 26th, 2014
The Department of Africology is co-sponsoring the keynote speech by Prof. Bruce Western, Prof. of Sociology and Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice Policy at Harvard University, at the UWM Urban Studies Alumni Reunion Program on 4pm at UWM Union Ballroom.
April 9, 18, and 23, 2014
The Department of Africology is co-sponsoring a number of events in April as part of UWM’s celebration of Global Health Day. In particular, the Department is sponsoring two film screening and discussion events on April 9th, Dark Forest, Black Fly and April 23rd, A Walk to Beautiful, and a book talk on April 18th, Medicine and the Saints: Science, Islam, and the Colonial Encounter in Morocco, 1877-1956.
April 4-10, 2014
The Department of Africology is excited to co-sponsor, along with the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the 36th Annual Latin American Film Series. The series will be held from April 4-10, 2014 and free to public admission.
February 2014
The Department of Africology was proud to host a book talk event for Associate Professor Dr. Anika Wilson’s newly released book Folklore, Gender and AIDS in Malawi: No Secret Under the Sun (Palgrave Macmillan).
The UWM Department of Africology is proud to celebrate the 2014 Black History Month on campus through a wide range of events, films, panel discussions and performances.