Study of Active vs Passive Investment Returns

The project goal is to contribute an academic paper that studies the differences in investment returns between actively managed strategies in a separately managed account program vs. an ETF or Mutual Fund and reaches a conclusion regarding how each investment wrapper affects the return received by the account holders.

Sourcing In and Out: The Competitive Position of Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs from Milwaukee

Media and political attention on outsourcing from the U.S. keeps hitting a raw nerve of those who fear unwelcome wage and employment effects at home. The process of transnational production sharing encompasses a variety of dimensions, including the outsourcing of various components and business services in arms-length relations, the establishment of foreign subsidiaries to undertake activities such as assembly and marketing, the entry into long-term and possibly exclusive licensing agreements, and the establishment of joint ventures for production and marketing. The main objective of this project is to put together and analyze a unique and reliable data-set on "sourcing in and out" that will be valuable to the small and medium scale entrepreneurs of Milwaukee as well as academic researchers.

The Well-Being, Identity, Social Support, and Education in Middle School (WISE) Project

This study examines factors that shape the lives of middle school students, particularly focusing on school belonging, social support, and ethnic-racial identity development during adolescence, recognizing the pivotal role of the school environment in shaping students' identity. By investigating these relationships, the project aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of well-being and identity development during the transition from childhood to adolescence, thereby bridging a critical gap in understanding within middle school education.