For UWM faculty and staff members, this webpage highlights useful resources for telecommuting and remote work. You are encouraged to communicate with your units (schools, colleges, divisions, departments) about any unit-specific “best practices” or guidelines.

Returning to campus? Check out the Campus Technology Readiness page for guidance and best practices.

Which Computer to use while Working Remotely

What device should you use when working remotely? It is recommend to use a UWM-issued laptop because it is the most secure for you and for UWM. Since this alternative may not be feasible for every prospective telecommuter, please review the other options to determine which best fits your particular needs and circumstances:

Using a UWM-issued laptop

If you have a UWM-issued laptop, that is the recommended option for working remotely and accessing UWM resources. When logging into your device each day, also be sure to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN), GlobalProtect VPN.

The VPN affords several benefits to UWM employees that are working remotely. Using UWM’s VPN allows you to remotely access your on-campus device, gives off-campus access to UWM’s network drives, and offers greater protection when using unsecured networks off-campus.  

It is also important to connect any University-owned device you are using remotely to the VPN. Connecting ensures that you continue to receive regular updates to your computer.  

Remote Desktop with VPN to a University Computer

You may be able to use a personal computer to connect remotely to your UWM computer that is physically located on-campus. “Remote Desktop” allows you to access your files and software just like when you are on campus. [From usability and capability standpoints, this option is preferable to simply using your personal computer.] You will need to stay connected to the Virtual Private Network (VPN), GlobalProtect VPN to use Remote Desktop.

Using a personal computer

If you lack access to a UWM-issued laptop, you can use a personal computer to perform many work-related tasks. Tasks you can perform include:

Please note: UWM files should not be stored on personal computing devices.

Preparing to Work Remotely

You can use these steps to make sure you are prepared to work remotely.

Preparing your UWM computers
  • Be sure the GlobalProtect VPN is installed on any computer you might use from off-campus. Connecting to the VPN is required to use Remote Desktop or to access UWM file servers from off-campus.
  • If you plan to use Remote Desktop to access a UWM computer that is located on-campus, you can take these steps to prepare:
    • Find and record the computer name of the computer that is on-campus. See instructions for Windows PCs and Macs. You will need this information to connect.
    • Leave the computer that is on-campus powered on. If the computer is shut down, you will not be able to remotely connect.
  • Remember to bring power adapters and any other accessories you might need with you.
Preparing your files

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams offers many features, including instant messaging, videoconferencing, conference calling, and file sharing. These tools allow you to collaborate with colleagues from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Teams Resources

Here are a few resources to help you get started:

General Teams InformationDownload TeamsTeams Meetings
Teams OverviewInstall with Office 365Calendaring & Virtual Meetings
Live EventsInstall with WindowsChange an Existing Meeting to a Teams Meeting
Accessing FilesInstall with Mac OSHow to Join a Teams Meeting
Make an Internal Call Without a Phone NumberInstall with Mobile AndroidDialing in to a Teams Meeting
Collaborate with External GuestsInstall with Mobile iOS appRecording Meetings
Use a Code to Join a Team

For Teams tips, visit the library of Teams Tips.

Want to see Microsoft Teams in action? Watch the virtual Microsoft Teams Demo below:

Best Practices

To help work remotely in a secure manner, please keep these best practices in mind:

Best Practices
  • Please review the Ergonomics for Telecommuters Guide; this includes tips on setting up your work area and best practices to keep your mind and body healthy.
  • Password and account credential sharing is strictly prohibited, including sharing with other members of your household. All passwords and login information for devices and system logins are required to be kept private.  
  • Lock device screens when not in use and keep devices secure from theft by not leaving them unattended in public areas.  
  • Be aware of phishing emails. Many online threats come from phishing or online scams, urging you to click a button or follow a link and reveal sensitive information. Always double check who the request is from and look for indicators such as spelling errors and language of extreme urgency. 
  • Report any loss of device, suspected compromised account or other suspicious activity to UWM’s Information Security Office.

Getting Help

If you need support to help you work remotely, please contact the UWM Help Desk!