Teams Calling Project Update

Phase 1 of the Teams Calling Project will be completed at the end of February. Almost all UWM faculty and staff members who had individual UWM campus telephone numbers have now either had their 229 numbers moved from the Centrex system to Microsoft Teams, or they have been given new telephone numbers in Teams. If you are interested in retaining your individual UWM (229) phone number that is not in Teams (this means it is not your current phone number listed in Teams), please contact the UWM Help Desk with that request. We will be performing the final migration of individual phone lines and phone number requests by February 26, 2021.

Please note: This is for individual phone numbers only – those assigned directly to a UWM employee, not an area/department/central reception phone line. This is a request regarding phone number retention – your phone service will still be maintained through Microsoft Teams. 

We are now in Phase 2 of the project, assessing shared phone lines across UWM and migrating them to Microsoft Teams. Conference rooms and labs will be migrated at the end of this project phase; Iwatsu phone systems and call centers will be the focus of phase 3. We appreciate the patience and collaboration across the many areas and departments of UWM. This is an ongoing effort and IT professionals are working area-by-area to ensure shared numbers are carefully reviewed. All migrations are coordinated through AT&T and we are dependent on their timelines.

Phase 2 migrations include phone lines on the Milwaukee campus. The College of General Studies’ migration will be addressed in a later project phase.

If you would like to learn more about the Teams Calling Project, please visit our webpage: If you have any questions about Teams, please call the UWM Help Desk at 414-229-4040 or visit