Sociology Department Professional Development Event: So, What Are You Going To Do With That? The Value of a UWM Sociology Degree

Do you wonder what your professional life will look like after graduation as a sociology major? If the answer is yes, this session is for you! Please join us to hear from recent UWM sociology graduate Ms. Idalia Rosas (BA, Dec ’23). She will talk about her journey as a UWM sociology major and her current job as a Pathways to Public Health Strategist in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Division of Public Health. Idalia has a lot to share about how her sociology background and training have benefited her professional development and career trajectory. Please save the date: Wednesday, March 27th, 4 -5:30 PM. Refreshments, food, and networking with Idalia and your fellow students and instructors will follow her presentation. Contact Ms. Sarah Weidner in the sociology department ( to RSVP.