Sociology Students, Daniel Bartholomay and Jesse Campa Receive Graduate Fellowship Awards

The UWM Graduate School recently recognized the recipients of the 2018 Graduate Student Fellowship. Among the attendees were two Sociology students. Below are their profiles.

Daniel J. Bartholomay, Sociology PhD ProgramMS: North Dakota State University, 2014 • BS: Minnesota State University-Moorhead, 2011

“I will miss teaching, but I am grateful for the opportunity to focus on completing my dissertation before I enter the job market next fall.”

As a sociologist, Daniel studies patterns of human behavior that perpetuate and disrupt social inequalities in gender, sexuality, family and health. His dissertation explores the attitudes and behaviors of married people in contemporary society, from the perspective that the institution of marriage has historically served to privilege men, masculinity and heterosexuality, producing structural inequalities that disadvantage women, femininity and sexual minorities.

Jesse Campa, Sociology MA ProgramBA: Beloit College, 2017 • AA: Rock Valley College, 2014

“With this fellowship, the necessity of looking for employment unrelated to my field of study is alleviated.”

As a first-generation college student from an underrepresented racial/ethnic group (self-identifying as Latino/Hispanic) Jesse became interested in the study of inequality/inequity, particularly in education. “Race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic class standing all intersect and play a role in the navigation of the institution of education as well as in others,” he explains, “and it is a research goal of mine to delve further into the topic that is often left out regarding the perspectives of those affected.”

To see the complete list of recipients, please see the 2018 Graduate Fellowship Program.