What tools should I use to create a survey?
Qualtrics is available to all UWM faculty, staff and students with an active ePanther ID and password. This is the only survey software that is pre-approved meeting IRB privacy requirements. Qualtrics will let you create and distribute a survey as well as analyze the data and create reports. Surveys can be anonymous and there is the ability to create branching questions.
If you need a simple poll, form, or short survey, consider using Microsoft Forms. Basic branching is allowed here as well as the ability for users to upload files. Microsoft forms also powers the poll feature in Outlook and works with other Office 365 features.
Data from both tools can be exported to Excel for additional analysis.
Do I need permission to conduct a survey?
If you are conducting a survey that requests data from students beyond the students you serve (e.g., all undergraduate students regardless of whether they have utilized your services), please complete the UWM Survey Intake Form. This form goes to the Chancellor’s Enrollment Management Action Team Executive Committee (and ultimately to a Vice Chancellor) for approval. See here for more details.
If your survey is part of a project that meets the definition of “research” (Are you planning or conducting a project with the goal of generating scientifically valid results, which will be shared with other professionals in your field?), please contact the Institutional Review Board. Visit this page if you are unsure whether your project meets the definition of research. Most surveys designed exclusively for internal use and program/project improvement will not require the IRB’s approval.
Where can I find help with creating a survey or analyzing survey results?
Contact Student Learning, Planning and Assessment for assistance with any aspect of the survey process.
The Consulting Office for Research and Evaluation (CORE) assists others with the design and analyses associated with research or evaluation projects. An initial consultation is provided free of charge. Fees for each project are determined by the scope and complexity of the project.
Can I offer an incentive for survey respondents?
It is common to want to offer an incentive to encourage participation. However, any randomly-drawn prize must comply with UW System policy and Wisconsin Law. Please review the information on Prizes, Raffles, and Awards and consult with the Office of Legal Affairs if you have questions.
Which demographic categories should I use for gender and race/ethnicity?
Only ask for demographics that are needed for your analysis. For example, do not ask for gender unless it is relevant to your survey/analysis.
Using text boxes rather than, or in addition to a drop down menu, can make the data gathering more inclusive for respondents.
The Division of Student Affairs recommends the following language:
Gender: choice one from the following list
- Man
- Woman
- Non-binary
- Write in option: [text box]
- Prefer not to answer
If (and only if) you need to know whether someone is transgender, it is recommended to ask this separately:
Is your gender identity different from the sex you were assigned at birth?
- Yes
- No
- Prefer not to answer
Race/Ethnicity: choose one or more from the following list:
- American Indian or Alaska Native [optional text box for Tribe]
- Asian, Pacific Islander, or Native Hawaiian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latinx
- Middle East/North Africa (MENA)
- Southeast Asian (Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese)
- White or Caucasian
- Prefer to Self-Identify: [optional text box]
- Prefer not to answer