Message from Chief Salazar

On behalf of the members of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Police Department, I would like to express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and the Michigan State University campus community. This senseless violence has no place in university life or anywhere in our society.

Here at UWM, the Police Department has critically reviewed our policies and procedures, training and level of preparedness for an active shooter situation. Since May 2022, all members of the Police Department received 10 hours of active shooter training, and we have conducted a tabletop exercise with senior university leadership, added resources to our website, and created a video briefing for our campus community. We continue to provide active shooter training to community members and partner with the Dean of Students Office to provide classroom safety presentations to faculty and staff. UWM uses a Behavior Intervention Team to identify, assess, and manage the risk of potentially harmful or threatening behavior. It also educates the campus community on how to respond to concerning behavior.

UWM also employs the RAVE Guardian Mobile App that directly connects students, faculty and staff with University Police resources through texting, confidential tips, location sharing, a call directory and a safety/resource content portal. We urge our campus community members to download the Rave Guardian Mobile App and get connected with your Police Department.

Chief David Salazar