Freedom of Expression & Civil Discourse

When Free Speech Collides with Impermissible Speech: A Civil Discourse
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017
UWM Student Union Ballroom
10:30 am − noon
The Freedom of Expression and Civil Discourse Series is designed to provide students, faculty and staff with information on their right to free speech on campus as well as the rights of invited speakers. It will also serve as a platform to assist in finding productive, nonviolent ways to respond to speech and expressions with which they disagree without infringing on the free speech rights of others.
Download the Freedom Speech flyer
- Clarence Page, Moderator
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chicago Tribune - Chris Ott
Executive director, ACLU oF Wisconsin - Rick Esenberg
President and general counsel, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty - Dr. Blain Neufeld
Associate professor and coordinator of the Certificate in Ethics, Values, and Society, UWM Department of Philosphy - Dr. Michele Bria
Chief executive officer, Journey House of Milwaukee - Plus, three invited Student Panelists.