Colloquia, Spring 2017
Join us for the Philosophy Spring Colloquia on February 15, April 7, and May 5.
Wednesday, February 15, 1:00pm
Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research
“Crisis of Care? Social Contradictions of Neoliberal Capitalism”
Location: UWM Libraries 4th Floor Conference Center
In Conjunction with UWM Women’s & Gender Studies and sponsored by KumKum Sangari, Vilas Professor of Humanities
Event Flyer
Friday, April 7, 3:30pm
Michael McKenna, University of Arizona
“Punishment and the Value of Deserved Suffering”
Location: 175 Curtin Hall
Friday, May 5, 3:30pm
Daniel Nolan, University of Notre Dame
“Theoretical Conservatism in Metaphysics”
Location: 175 Curtin Hall