Student journalists win 11 awards in regional competition

Media Milwaukee student journalists won 11 awards in the Society of Professional Journalists regional Mark of Excellence contest. The Media Milwaukee news site is a finalist for best online publication.mjclogo21-150x150

Students in JAMS 320: Integrated Reporting were honored for their Faces Not Forgotten series on Wisconsin veterans; JAMS 500 Advanced Integrated Reporting won for profiles of local Holocaust survivors. Four students in JAMS 204 News Writing and Technology were recognized for news and feature audio stories, including Jakayla Phillips’ conversation with her niece, whose father was murdered in Milwaukee.

Other students honored for writing, reporting, multimedia storytelling and use of open records include: Montel Allen, Jaimie Anderson, Paul Bertling, Dylan Deprey, Ean Holtz, Amanda Porter, Stevan Stojanovic and Dan Zielinski.

First-, second- and third-place awards will be announced at the Midwest Journalism Conference later this month in Bloomington, Minnesota. Members of the UWM Journalism Club will accept the plaques. Winners of the regional contest will advance to the national competition.

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