Student videographer Amanda Porter and student journalist, Daniel Zielinski listen as Nate Taffel tells how he survived the Holocaust during World War II. Journalism students recorded survivors' stories for a class project and the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center. (UMW Photo/Pete Amland)
Taffel holds a photograph of his youngest sister, Faiga, who drowned in a river in Poland. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland)
Zielinski and Porter prepare to interview Taffel. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland)
Taffel points to himself in a photograph taken shortly after liberation. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland)
Taffel pages through his life story, “Stolen Childhood,” written by Keri Guten Cohen. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland)
Taffel poses with his wife, Muriel. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland)
UWM journalism students interviewed Milwaukee-area Holocaust survivors, learning more about reporting and history in the process.
“You hear all of these stories in school when you are younger, when you learn about the Holocaust, but it doesn’t really resonate as much until you hear it firsthand. It was powerful,” said Mary Jo Contino, a Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies (JAMS) major.