“Clarence,” a documentary by University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee graduate Kristin Catalano about an 85-year-old man who returns to college after a half-century hiatus, has been picked up for release by Indican Pictures and is available for streaming.
Following Clarence Garrett, an African-American WWII veteran, the acclaimed documentary sees him making right his biggest personal regret: never graduating from college. Enrolling at UWM in 2005, Garrett earned his bachelor of arts degree in just two years after spending 50 years away from higher education to raise a family.
“Clarence” has appeared at a number of film festivals, claiming best documentary awards at the Rome International Film Festival and the Beloit International Film Festival and the Golden Badger Award at the Wisconsin Film Festival. The Indican deal marks the first time it will be widely available.
Indican is releasing the film exclusively through streaming services.