Civil Engineering Department Meeting, 08/23/2021

Civil Engineering Department Meeting
Microsoft Teams – Call In #: 414-253-8850, Conference ID: 847 048 888#, 09:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: 1. Announcements (10 minutes)

a. Website

b. Transportation graduate students and courses

c. Interdisciplinary research and teaching opportunities to connect to other departments in the college and across campus.

2. Informal Committee Reports (5 minutes)

3. Determination of the presence of a quorum for faculty meeting (5 minutes)

4. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (5 minutes)

5. Faculty service in AY2021-2022 (15 minutes)

6. Review Fall 2021 enrollments (10 minutes)

7. Spring 2022 Schedule (10 minutes)

8. Attrition reports (10 minutes)

9. Qualifying exam (10 minutes)

10. CEE Department Graduate Online Certificate (10 minutes)

11. CGSA Allocation (10 minutes)

12. ABET and curriculum development and review – CIM Forms (10 minutes)

13. Adjourn
Contact: Mandy Bauer,, (414) 251-5776.

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