Research Policy & Advisory Committee, 02/22/2023

Research Policy & Advisory Committee
via Teams, or Audio only +1-414-253-8850, conference ID 837 539 285#, 01:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: The general charge of the RPAC is to discuss policy, procedures, and infrastructure related to research, graduate education and scholarship at UWM. The agenda for the December 16 meeting will be:
1. Call to order and approval of the agenda
2. Approval of minutes
December 16, 2022 meeting
3. Updates from the Office of Research
4. Policy Development for Research: Effort Reporting, Export Control, Open Research
Kris O’Connor, Associate Vice Provost for Research
Jeff Nytes, Compliance Manager, Office of Research
5. General Good and Welfare
6. Adjournment
Contact: Kathleen Koch,, (414) 229-3699.

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