UWM scholars to discuss their research
UWM scholars to discuss their research
News from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
UWM scholars to discuss their research
UWM alum takes action-oriented approach to studying maternal, child health in Wisconsin
UWM alum’s Gabor Design Build featured in list of Wisconsin’s best construction companies
UWM alum makes impact at Wisconsin State Patrol
UWM scholar featured in list of Wisconsin’s most influential Native American leaders
UWM alum discusses candidacy for Madison City Council District
UWM scientists help develop advanced laser technologies
Chancellor Mark Mone talks about his work at UWM on cooking show
Polls are open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, for the spring election.
Peck School of the Arts – Academic Advisor – Search and Screen Committee See Microsoft Teams Link Below, 03:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 276 514 247 990 Passcode: Gx2ZiP Download Teams | Join on the […]