Library Assistant III, 10/27/2022

Library Assistant III Teams:+1 414-253-8850,,835904309# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 835 904 309#, 10:00 am Purpose of Meeting: To review interview questions. Contact: Amanda Klug,, (414) 290-7212. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(b) Considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee or person […]

Psychologist Search & Screen Committee, 10/27/2022

Psychologist Search & Screen Committee Microsoft Teams meeting, 08:30 am Purpose of Meeting: Discuss and review recruitment process and business items Microsoft Teams meeting call in (audio only) +1 414-253-8850,,861836803# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 861 836 803# Contact: Jackie Wittkowske,, (414) 251-8839. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: […]

Violence Prevention Coordinator Search & Screen Committee, 10/27/2022

Violence Prevention Coordinator Search & Screen Committee Microsoft Teams meeting, 02:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: Reviewed applicants for preferred qualifications, select interview dates and times. Microsoft Teams meeting Call in (audio only) +1 414-253-8850,,147784879# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 147 784 879# Contact: Jackie Wittkowske,, (414) 251-8839. This meeting may go into closed […]

Search and Screen Committee – L&S Academic Advising Managers, 10/27/2022

Search and Screen Committee – L&S Academic Advising Managers Teams Meeting:, 03:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: Initial review of applicants and discussion of interview questions. Contact: Jennifer DeRoche,, (414) 251-7769. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of […]

Academic Advisor, 10/27/2022

Academic Advisor Teams: +1 414-253-8850,,263088685# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 263 088 685#, 09:30 am Purpose of Meeting: To interview candidate. Contact: Shawndrika Hazelwood,, (414) 229-4581. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(b) Considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee or person licensed […]

Academic Advisor, 10/27/2022

Academic Advisor Teams: +1 414-253-8850,,223292707# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 223 292 707#, 11:00 am Purpose of Meeting: To review phone interviews. Contact: Shawndrika Hazelwood,, (414) 229-4581. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(b) Considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee or person […]

Clinical Case Manager Search & Screen Committee, 10/27/2022

Clinical Case Manager Search & Screen Committee Microsoft Teams meeting, 09:15 am Purpose of Meeting: Discuss and review recruitment process and business items Microsoft Teams meeting call in (audio only) +1 414-253-8850,,58933822# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 589 338 22# Contact: Jackie Wittkowske,, (414) 251-8839. This meeting may go into closed session, per […]

Seek out support, information with these campus offices

Here’s a handy list of campus offices that support students — spots that you’ll want to know about, from when you first enroll until you graduate. Learn where to go to register for classes, meet with academic advisors, access academic support, pay bills, discuss financial aid and more. Registrar’s Office  Where you complete, submit or […]