Center for Celtic Studies Advisory Board, 09/23/2022

Center for Celtic Studies Advisory Board Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 264 219 084 967 Passcode: mrETTB, 01:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: CCS Advisory Board meeting to discuss fall/spring events, programming, and budget details. Contact: Tessa Culleton,, (414) 251-7568.

EE Faculty, 09/23/2022

EE Faculty Teams online, 01:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: Automatic Consent: Meeting minutes on Apr. 1st, May 20th, Aug. 29th. Creating an EE website subcommittee that will focus on the task of revising and maintaining EE website (Chanyeop, Nikolai, Chiu) Qualifying Exam (pass/fail) (Rob, Yi) Contact: Yi Hu,, (414) 251-8830.

College of Health Sciences Equity Alliance Committee, 09/23/2022

College of Health Sciences Equity Alliance Committee, 01:00 pm Purpose of Meeting: Discuss Equity and Diversity issues and take actions to improve and strengthen equity and diversity within CHS. Contact: Lulu Sanchez,, (414) 251-6511. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or […]

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 09/23/2022

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee TEAMS, 09:00 am Purpose of Meeting: Protocol Review Contact: Adrienne Allen,, (414) 251-5701. This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute: Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive […]

Research Policy & Advisory Committee, 09/23/2022

Research Policy & Advisory Committee via Teams Or call in (audio only) +1 414-253-8850,,984211417#, 02:30 pm Purpose of Meeting: The general charge of the RPAC is to discuss policy, procedures, and infrastructure related to research, graduate education and scholarship at UWM. The agenda for the September 23 meeting will be: 1. Call to order […]

Graduate Student Fellowships Committee, 09/23/2022

Graduate Student Fellowships Committee Online via Microsoft Teams; contact for link, 12:30 pm Purpose of Meeting: The Graduate Student Fellowships Committee determines and manages the application and selection process for graduate students applying for internal fellowships such as the Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship and the Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship. The committee also recommends general policy changes […]

EE Exec Committee, 09/23/2022

EE Exec Committee Teams Online, 01:30 pm Purpose of Meeting: Automatic Consent: Meeting minutes on June 22nd, Sep. 9th. Classroom visits for Profs. Park and Shen. Prof. Nikolai Kouklin’s 5-year post tenure review. Per Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c), the meeting will go into closed session. Sabbatical application of Prof. Weizhong Wang. Per Wis. Stat. sec. […]

College of Health Sciences Academic Planning and Budget Committee, 09/23/2022

College of Health Sciences Academic Planning and Budget Committee, 09:30 am Purpose of Meeting: Discuss and make recommendations to the Dean regarding the development of longrange plans and goals for CHS consistent with the preservation of high quality teaching, research and public service. Participate in the cost and revenue analysis of CHS departments, programs, […]