The UWM Web Identity includes Font Awesome icons. This is how you can use them as the ‘bullet’ in a list.

  • PDF DocumentMauris in erat consectetur, vehicula magna non.
  • Microsoft Word DocumentCurabitur viverra orci a convallis euismod.
  • Microsoft Excel DocumentSuspendisse auctor blandit tellus at tristique. Vestibulum dignissim mi vel nisi ultrices vehicula.
  • External LinkMauris in erat consectetur, vehicula magna non.
  • PDF Document  …
  • Microsoft Word Document  …
  • Microsoft Excel Document  …
  • External Link  …

The following code is needed for accessibility for screen readers. The text between the opening span and closing span tags is what the screen reader will read.


Document Icons Within Paragraphs

You may also use the icons within paragraph text, if necessary. However, it is preferable to pull out the document link by creating a list. See example below:

How to do this and that

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porttitor mi tincidunt nisl euismod quis gravida libero tincidunt. Donec sit amet ligula orci, at venenatis diam. Morbi accumsan ligula sit amet erat mollis congue. Donec sem purus, ullamcorper vel fermentum hendrerit, dapibus vel est. Mauris posuere risus magna. Maecenas ut porttitor nunc. Download more information below:

  • Praesent eu sapien purus, ac pellentesque erat.