Pamphlet Files 371–380

Arctic and Antarctic
Box #Primary AuthorSecondary AuthorDateNotes
364.1Magnani, MarioObservaciones Meteorologicas Efectuadas Durante las Expediciones al Hielo Continental Patagonico en los Años 1953, 1954 y 19551957
364.1Magnani, MarioSulle variazioni dei ghiacciai Patagonici1961Estratto dagli Atti del XVIII Congresso Geografico Italiano
364.1Mercer, John H.Variations of Some Patagonian Glaciers since the Late Glacial: II1970American Journal of Science vol. 269
364.1Millosevich, FedericoSu alcune rocce della Terra del Fuoco. Rocce erutive1915Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei Anno CCCXII
364.1Moreno, Francisco P.Explorations in Patagonia1899From The Geographical Journal
364.1Nichols, Robert L.Miller, Maynard M.The Moreno Glacier, Lago Argentino, Patagonia/Advancing Glaciers and Nearby Simultaneously Retreating Glaciers1952Reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology vol. 2 No. 11
364.1Quensel, P.D.Beitrag zur Geologie der patagonischen Cordillera1910Sonderabdruck aus "Geologische Rundschau" Bd. I Heft 6
364.1Quensel, P.D.On the Igneous Rocks of the Patagonian Cordillerarec 1932
364.1Quensel, P.D.On the Influence of the Ice Age on the Continental Watershed of Patagoniarec 1939Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Uppsala, vol. IX
364.1Quensel, PercyDie Quarzporphyr- und Porphyroidformation in Sudpatagonien und Feuerland1913Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Upsala, vol. XII
364.1Repetto, Luis G.Estudio Geografico sobre la Region de las Mesetas y Terrazas Patagonicas1928Revista del Profesorado Num. 31
364.1Rovereto, GaetanoNella Patagonia settentrionale. Da Cipolleti a Nahuel Huapi1925Estratto dalla Rivista del T.C.I. "La Vie d'Italia e dell America Latina" N. 8
364.1Rowlee, W.W.Plants from Southern Patagonia Collected by Charles Wellington Furlong1916Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 43
364.1v. Siemiradzki, JosefZur Geologie von Nordpatagonien1893
364.1Skottsberg, C.Zur Pflanzengeographie Patagoniens1931
364.1Spears, John R.The End of the Continent1895
364.1Steffen, HansDie Landbrucke von Ofqui in Westpatagonien1913
364.1Steffen, HansNeuere Arbeiten der Chilenischen Marine in der Kustenregion West- Patagoniens1913Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin
364.1Steffen, HansEl Supuesto Primer Descubrimiento de la Cordillera Patagonica desde el lado del Atlantico1928Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografia tomo LVIII
364.1Townsend, Charles HaskinsA Naturalist in the Straits of Magellan1910Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly
364.1Vallentin, RupertNotes on the Falkland Islands1904
364.1Van Waterschoot van der Gracht, W.A.J.M.Eenige voorloopige korte mededeelingen over de resultaten eener reis in de Magelhaenlandenrec 1930
364.1Villalobos R., SergioEl Canal de Beagle y las Tierras Australes: su historia1959Anales de la Universidad de Chile, No. 113
364.1Windhausen, A.Einige Linien der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte Patagoniens im Lichte neuerer Forschungen192417. Jahresbericht des Niedersachsischen geologischen verein zu Hanover
364.1Windhausen, A.The Problem of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in South America and the Stratigraphic Position of the San Jorge-Formation in Patagonia1918From the American Journal of Science, vol. XLIV
364.1Windhausen, AnselmoLas Antiguas Conexiones de la Patagonia1915Del Boletin Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Cordoba
364.1Windhausen, AnselmoApuntes sobre el sistema hidrografico del rio Senguerr1925De los Anales Socied. Argentina de Estudios Geograficos
364.1Windhausen, AnselmoRasgos de la Historia Geologica de la Planicie Costanera en la Patagonia Septentrional1918Del Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Cordoba, tomo XXIII
364.1Wolfe, J.G.Patagonia's Lost Race1922The New York Times
364.1Ygobone, Aquiles D.La Patagonia. Sus riquezas y sus posibilidades en el segundo plan
371N/AAmerican Philosophical Society. Report of Dr. Hayes' Arctic Expedition18622 copies
371Arctowski, HenrykLe Pole de Froidrec 1905Extrait du no. 6 Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie
371Bent, SilasThermometric Gateways to the Pole1868
371Chadwick, John OldfieldPerseverance in Arctic Exploration1877
371Cunningham, AustinBrave Deeds of our Arctic Signal Corpsn.d.The Red Cross Magazine
371Danenhower, John W.The Polar Question1885The Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute
371Hork, Alexander H.v.H.V.d.Meine Reise nach dem Polarmeer und uber die Bewohner der Nordkuste1876
371Hovgaard, A.The Danish-Arctic Expedition1882
371Howell, George RogersThe Open Polar Sea1884A Paper Read Before the Albany Institute
371Howgate, H.W.Congress and the North Pole1879Kansas City Review of Science and Industry
371Howgate, H.W. and othersPolar Colonization. The Preliminary Arctic Expedition of 1877rec 18944 copies
371Howgate, Henry W.Polar Colonization and Explorationrec 18942 copies
371Howgate, Henry W.Polar Colonization. Memorial to Congress and Action of Scientific and Commercial Associationsn.d.
371N/AInstitut Meteorologique. Resume de Travaux de l'Expedition Polaire danois Internationale1884
371N/AThe Jeanette Expedition. Argument of Hon. Wm. H. Arnoux in Defense of Capt. de Long1884House Naval Committee
371Kane, E.K.Access to the Open Polar Sea. The Search after Sir John Franklin and His Companions1853American Geographical and Statistical Society
371Leclercq, Jules[Review of "Nearest the Pole" by R.E. Peary]rec 1907
371MacNaughton, JamesThe Expedition of the "Alert" to Hudson's Strait and Bay in 18851886A Paper Read Before the Albany Institute (2 copies)
371Malte-Brun, V.A.Expedition Polaire Anglaise en 18751876Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie
371Moore, J. HamptonPeary's Discovery of the North Pole19102 copies
371Nares, G.S.The Official Report of the Recent Arctic Expedition1876
371Nathorst, A.G.Sur la valeur des flores fossiles des regions Arctiques comme preuve des climats geologiques1910
371Pavy, OctaveLes nouvelles expeditions au Pole Nord1868Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes (2 copies)
371Payart, EugeneLa decouverte du Pole Nord1895Comptes-Rendus 6me Congres International Geographie
371Payne, F.F.A Few Notes upon the Eskimo of Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson's Strait1889From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
371Peary, Robert E.The Crocker Land Expedition1912The American Museum of Natural History Journal
371Ricchieri, GiuseppeLa "Stelle Polare" nel mare Artico1903
371N/AScientific and Commercial Associations in Reference to Polar Colonizationn.d.
371N/AShall We Ever Reach the Pole?1877
371Varuck, A.J.Hydrographic Expedition to the Arctic Sea (In Russian)1903
371Weyprecht, A.Payer, JuliusDie Polar-Expedition1872Sonder-Abdruck Mitteilun. Geographischen Gesellschaft
372Arctowski, HenrykLes calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques1900
372Arctowski, HenrykSur la variabilite de la temperature dans les regions antarctiques1904
372Arctowski, HenrykSur l'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par l'expedition antarctique belge1900
372Arctowski, HenrykSur les icebergs tabulaires des regions antarctiques1901
372Arctowski, HenrykSur les periodes de l'aurore Australe1901
372Arctowski, HenrykY a-T-IL Moyen d'arriver au Pole Sud en Automobile?1903Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie
372Carnagev, DaleFighting for Life in Antarctic Ice1915Illustrated World
372N/AFeierliche Sitzung des Komitees der Osterreichischen Antarktischen Expedition am 16. Janner 19141914Separatabdruck aus den Mitteilungen der k.k. Geogr. Gesellschaft in Wien, 1914, Heft 1 bis 3
372Murphy, Robert CushmanThe Status of Sealing in the Sub-Antarctic Atlantic1918Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly
373N/AAmundsen's Chances1925The Scientific Age
373Amundsen, RoaldIs the Pole Worth While?1925Forum
373N/AAndree's Expedition to the North Pole (Paper Clippings)n.d.
373Armitage, Albert B.Cold Lands1931Philips' "New-Prospect" Readers
373Baird, P.D.Expeditions to the Canadian Arctic1949Reprinted from "The Beaver"
373Balch, Edwin SwiftNorth Pole Questions I. Admiral Peary's Claims II. Cook's Claims1925The Independent vol. 115 Nos. 3938 and 3939
373Bartlett, Robert A.Peary's Great Venture1934New York Times Magazine
373Baschin, OttoDie Eroberung des Nordpols1910Sonder-abdruck aus der Marine-Rundschau
373Baschin, OttoZur Frage der Erreichung des Nordpols durch Peary1911Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin No. 3
373Baughman, RolandVariant Editions of Settle's Account of Frobisher1938Reprint The Huntington Library Quarterly vol. II No. 1
373Breitfuss, LeonidUm die Erschliessung der Inneren Arktis1938Sonderabdruck "Ost-Europa"
373Breitfuss, LeonidDie Nobile-Nordpolexpedition mit dem Luftschiff1929Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen
373Bruckner, EduardEine Flaschenpost vom "Tegetthoff"1922Sonderabdruck "Mitteilungen der Geogr. Gesellschaft"
373Charcot, J.-B.Rapport preliminaire sur la campagne du "Pourquoi-pas" en 19291930Extrait des Annales Hydrographiques No. 1907
373Cirone, MassimoRicorrendo il trentesimo anniversario del volo transpolare Amundsen- Ellsworth-Nobile1956/1957Rivista di Medicina Aeronautica/Estratto dal "Giornale di Medicina Militare" (2 editions)
373N/AClippings from NY Herald Tribune August 23 on the Finding of the Andree Party in the Arctic & Reproductions of Drawing from the Herald Tribune of July 11, 18771930
373Corner, George W.The Adventures of Dr. Kane in Search of an Open Polar Searec 1957
373Cyriax, Richard J.The Unsolved Problem of the Franklin Expedition Records Supposedly Buried on King William Island1969Reprinted from The Mariner's Mirror vol. 55 No. 1
373Dall, William HealeyPart A: Mollusks, Recent and Pleistocene. Southern Party, 1913-161919Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918 vol. VIII Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc.
373Dremliug, V.V.Taina ischeznuvshikh zemel Arktiki1956
373von Drygalski, ErichDie neuesten Polarreisen und die nordwestliche Durchfahrtrec 1911
373von Drygalski, ErichPeary's Nordpolfahrtrec 1911
373Edwards, Deltus M.Opening Up the North Pole Regions (To Commerce and Industry?)1925American Industries. The National Magazine for Manufacturers. Vol. XXV No. 11
373Ellsworth, LincolnAt the North Pole1928From the Smithsonian Report for 1927
373Ellsworth, LincolnAt the North Pole1927The Yale Review
373Ellsworth, LincolnThe Dash for the North Pole1925The Winged Foot vol. XXXVI No. 11
373Elton, C.S.The Oxford University Arctic Expedition, 1924. I. The Biology in
Relation to the Geography
1925From The Geographical Journal
373Faustini, A.Alcune osservazioni della Campagna Polare Artica di R. Amundsen1907Estratto dalla Rivista Geografica Italiana vol. XIV Fasc. VIII
373Faustini, A.Alcune osservazioni sulla crociera dell' 'Hertha' nel mar Polare Arctico1900Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana, Fasc. VI
373Faustini, A.Di alcune pretese navigazioni polari ad alte latitudini1900Estratto Rivista mensile: In giro pel mondo An. II nn. 8 e 9
373Faustini, A.Fra i ghiacci dell'Estrempo Settentrione. La spedizione artica italiana del Duca degli Abruzzi1901
373Faustini, A.La spedizione artica americana di W. Wellmann1903
373Faustini, A.Tragedie Polari1900
373Faustini, A.Uno sguardo sui lavori scientifici della spedizione antartica Svedese1904Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Geografica Italiana, Fasc. III
373Fleming, A.L.Baffin Land Re-visitedrec 1934Reprinted from Canadian Churchman
373Fleming, A.L.Scientific Work of the MacMillan Baffin Land Expedition, 1921-1922rec 1936
373Franklin, Lady JaneA Letter to Viscount Palmerston, K.G. from Lado Franklin1857Photostat, Second Edition
373Ghisleri, ArcangeloRoald Amundsen e di alcuni suoi precursori1925Emporium, vol. LXVII N. 367
373Gibbons, Russell W.Frederick Albert Cook An Enigma in Polar History1968Polar Notes Occasional Pub. of Stefansson Collection #8
373Gibbons, Russell W.Dr. Cook: An American Dreyfus in the Arctic?/Did cook beat Peary to the Pole?/Lure of the Polar Profits1968North vol. XV No. 2/Science Digest vol. 64 No. 3/Nation vol. 206 No. 24
373Gorbunov, G.P.Haken, N.N.Bericht uber die Sowiet-Deutschen Forschungen in der Barents-See und uber andere marine Arbeiten 19271929In Russian, German Summary
373Green, FitzhughAcross the Pole by Plane1923U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings vol. 49 No. 244
373v. Gruber, O.Uber die Photogrammetrische Ausrustung des "Graf Zeppelin" auf der Arktisfahrt 1931, uber die Auswertungsmethoden und die Bisherigen Ergebnisse aus dem Gewonnenen Aufnahmematerialrec 1933Sonderabdruck aus Erganzungsheft Nr. 216 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen
373Hall, Charles FrancisArrival of the "George Henry" at New London1862The Sailor's Magazine and Seaman's Friend vol. 35 No. 3
373Hattersley-Smith, G.Lotz, J.R./Sagar, R.B.The Ablation Season on Gilman Glacier Northern Ellesmere Island1960Extract from Publication No. 54 International Association of Scientific Hydrology
373Hattersley-Smith, G.Lotz, J.R.Transport, Equipment and Stores Used During Operation "Hazen" 1957-19591961Reprinted from The Polar Record vol. 10 No. 67
373Hobbs, William H.Discovery and Exploration within the Area to the West of the Kane Basin1937Reprinted from Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia vol. XXXV No. 2
373Holtedahl, OlafBrief Account of the Expedition1921
373Humphreys, NoelShakleton, E/Moore, A.W.Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition1936Reprinted The Geographical Journal vol. LXXXVII No. 5
373Joerg, W.L.G.Discovery by the Russian Expedition on the Icebreaker Sadkorec 1943
373Jones, A.G.E.Cyriax, R.J.The Papers in the Possession of Harry Peglar, Captain of the Foretop,
H.M.S. Terror, 1845
1954Reprinted from The Mariner's Mirror vol. 40 No. 3
373Kohlschutter, E.Die Erforschung der Arktis mit dem Luftschiffe1925Sonderdruck aus "Der Luftweg" Heft Nr. 23/24
373Mendez, D. Enrique S.Un Vuelo sobre la Barrera de Filchner1956Revista Nacional de Aeronautica No. 176
373Notman, D.N.H./Anderson, L.Beattie, O.B./Roger, A.Arctic Paleoradiology: Portable Radiographic Examination of Two Frozen Sailors from the Franklin Expedition (1845-1848)1987American Roentgen Ray Society
373SpeerschneiderRoald Amundsens Ekspeditionrec 1925Saertryk af Gads danske Magasin
374Leitzel, TedPeary's Conspiracy Against Dr. Cook1935/1936Excerpts from Real America. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.
374Lewis, H.E.Taylor, P.F.The British North Greenland Expedition 1952-19541957
374Ljungdahl, Gustaf S.Luftskeppet som hjalpmedel vid Arktisk forskning1932
374Ljungdahl, Gustav S.Preliminary Report of the Magnetic Observations made during the Aeroarctic Expedition of the Graf Zeppelin, 19311931From Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity
374Ljungdahl, Gustav S.Die Magnetischen Arbeiten Wahrend der Arktisfahrt des Luftschiffes "Graf Zeppelin" 19311931Sonderabdruck aus Erganzungsheft Nr. 216 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen
374N/ALondon. Preliminary Report of the 1963 Imperial College Beerenberg Expedition to North Jan Mayen Island, Greenland Sea1963Imperial College of Science and Technology.
374Macmillan, D.B.Stars and Stripes Nailed to the Pole1939New York Times Magazine
374MacMillan, DonaldRecord-Hunting in the Arctic1918Harpers Magazine
374Masciadri, GuidoUna caccia Italiana nell'Arctica1927Emporium, vol. LXV N. 389
374Masterton, J.P.Lewis, H.E.Food Intakes, energy expenditures and faecal excretions of men on a polar expedition1957Reprinted from the British Journal of Nutrition vol. II No. 3
374McConnell, Burt M.Wilkins Goes Over the Top: The Story of the First Trans-Polar Flight by Airplane1928The Elks Magazine
374McConnell, Burt M.What Can Amundsen Accomplish?1922New York Times Book Review
374McConnell, Burt M.Hopping Off for a Lost Continent1926The Independent vol. 116 No. 3954
374Melville, Geo. W.Report in Connection with the Jeannette Expedition1882
374Melville, George W.Remarks on Polar Expeditionrec 19222 copies
374Mercer, John H.Glacier Variations in the Antarctic1962From Glaciological Notes, Number 11
374Miller, Maynard M.Beyond the Pole1954Reprinted from Appalachia
374Le Mis de NadaillacVers le Pole Nord1902Extrait de la Revue des Questions Scientifiques
374Mitchell, WilliamMutiny in the Arctic1934Liberty
374Mohb, HenrikNorske Fangst-skipperes Opdagelse af Kong Karl-Land1872
374Nobile, UmbertoUmberto Nobile narra il suo volo sopra il polo/Come scendemmo a Teller1926Corriere della Sera Anno 51 N. 149
374Oldenburg, Margaret E.Copper- Mellville Island Coppermine Flight August 9-12, 1945 Detailed Reportrec 1946
374Olsen, N.T.I Drift med Isen i Kara-Havet1891
374Ostenso, Ned A.Physiography of the Arctic Ocean Basin1963Proceedings 13th Alaskan Science Conference, U of WI
374Ostenso, Ned A.Aeromagnetic Survey of the Arctic Ocean Basin1963U of Wisconsin Geophysical & Polar Research Center
374N/AOuting Magazine vol. LXXX No. 61922
374Parks, George B.The Two Versions of Settle's Frobisher Narrative1938Reprinted from The Huntington Library Quarterly v. II #1
374Parks, George B.Notes- Frobisher's Third Voyage, 15781935Reprinted from The Huntington Library Bulletin No. 7
374Peary, R.E.Work Done in the Arctic in 1898-1902rec 1937
374Peary, Robert E.Arctic Exploration and the New Stefansson Expedition1913The American Museum Journal vol. XIII No. 2
374Peary, Robert E.Moving on the North Pole -- Outline of my Arctic Campaign1899McClure's Magazine
374N/APhotogrammetric and Cartographic Results of the Axel Heiberg Expedition1963Reprinted from The Canadian Surveyor, vol. XVII No. 2
374Porsild, ErlingByggede de gamle nordboer edderfugle varp i Jones Sund?1938Saertryk af Geografisk Tidsskrift, 41. Bind. 2 Halvbind.
374Porsild, ErlingA Biological Exploration of Banks and Victoria Islands1950Reprinted from Arctic vol. 3 No. 1
374Pullen, Thomas C.We Smashed Through the Northwest Passage1970Petroleum Today
374Robinson, J. LewisConquest of the Northwest Passage by R.C.M.P. Schooner St. Roch1945Reprinted from the Canadian Geographical Journal
374Romagna Manola, GiuseppeDeterminazione relativa della gravita terrestre1929Instituto Idrografico della Regia Marina
374Rothlisberger, HansQuartargeologische Beobachtungen am Eglinton Fiord, Baffin-Land, Kanada1951
374Ryan, JackThe Fearful Log of the H.M.S. Terror1969Petroleum Today
374Sandford, K.S.The Swedish-Norwegian Arctic Expedition, 19311934Reprinted from The Geographical Journal
374Schwatka, FrederickExtracts from Letters1880Philadelphia Daily Evening Telegraph
374N/ASchwatka's Journal1880The New York Herald
374Shelesnyak, M.C.The Navy Explores its Northern Frontiers1947Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers
374Simpson, Howard E.The Friendly Arctic1922Reprint Quarterly Journal University of ND, vol. 12 No. 3
374Slocum, VictorThe Voyage of the "Jeanette's" Boats1936Yachting
374Stefansson, VilhjalmurSolving the Problem of the Arctic. Hunting Caribou and Building Snow Houses Parts IV and V1919Harpers Magazine
374Stefansson, VilhjalmurSolving the Problem of the Arctic. Hunting Caribou and Building Snow Houses Parts I, II and III1919Harpers Magazine
374Stefansson, VilhjalmurPopular Science from Unfamiliar Sourcesn.d.The Literary Digest International Book Review vol. I No. 1
374Stefansson, VilhjalmurPolar Pastures1926Forum
374Stefansson, VilhjalmurThe "Blond" Eskimos1928Harpers Magazine
374Strong, James T.The Opening of the Arctic Ocean1963From the Smithsonian Report for 1962
374Sverdrup, H.U.Maud-ekspeditionens videnskabelige arbeide 1918-19 og nogen av dets resultater1922Saertryk av "Naturen" Januar-April
374Swithinbank, CharlesNorthwest Passage Trade Route by Supertanker1970The Geographical Magazine
374Taylor, AndrewBritish Preliminary Papers on Exploration in the Canadian North1959Reprinted from Arctic Bibliography vol. VIII
374Tandberg, Rolf S.Louise A. Boyd Expedition1966
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375Armstrong, TerencePlace-Names in the Soviet Arctic1950Reprinted from The Polar Record No. 39
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375Baird, P.D.Robinson, J.L.A Brief History of Exploration and Research in the Canadian Eastern Arctic1945Reprinted from the Canadian Geographical Journal
375Balch, Edwin SwiftArctic Expeditions Sent from the American Colonies1907
375Balch, Thomas WillingThe Arctic and Antarctic Regions and the Law of Nations1910Reprint from The American Journal of International Law
375N/AE.B. Baldwin's Plan to Drift Across the Arctic Ocean While Camped upon the Ice Pack1909The New York Daily Tribune
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375Baker, P.E.A Volcano Erupts Beneath the Antarctic Ice1969Reprinted from The Geographical Magazine, London
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375Behrendt, John C.Seismic Measurements on the Ice Sheet of the Antarctic Peninsula1963Reprint from Journal of Geophysical Research vol. 68 No. 21
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375Beitzel, John E.The relationship of thicknesses and surface slopes in Dronning Maud Land1968Reprinted from ISAGE Symposium, Hanover, USA
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375Beltramino, Juan Carlos M.La poblacion residente habitual de Antartida Argentina 1904-19601963Buenos Aires
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