Unit 5

Quizlet Spare Time Activities

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관광하다 to go sightseeing
드라이브하다 to drive (to go for a drive)
등산하다 to hike up a mountain (to go hiking)
산책하다 to take a walk
게임을 하다 to play a game
사진을 찍다 to take a picture (to take a photograph)
소풍을 가다 to go on a picnic (have a picnic)
술 한잔하다 to have a drink (alcohol)
스키를 타다 to ski (go skiing)
영화를 보다 to watch a movie
저녁을 먹다 to eat dinner (to have one’s evening meal)
차 한잔하다 to have a cup of tea (to drink some tea)
콘서트에 가다 to go to a concert
탁구를 치다 to play ping-pong
테니스를 치다 to play tennis
같이 점심 먹을까요? Shall we have lunch together? (How about having lunch together?)
차 한잔할까요? Shall we have a cup of tea? (Shall we have tea together?)

Quizlet Dialogues

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동생 younger sibling (younger brother or sister)
시험 test (exam)
도와주다 to help
준비하다 to prepare (to get ready)
아르바이트하다 to work at a part-time job (to have a part time job)
글쎄요, 아직 잘 모르겠어요. Hmmmm I don’t know yet.
왜요? why?

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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꽃 flower(s)
나무 tree
봄 spring
선물 gift (present)
우리 we (our)
팀 team
이기다 to win
대답하다 To answer (respond/reply)
받다 to receive
넓다 to be spacious (to be wide)
그 다음에 and then (and after that)
다 같이 all together
둘이서만 Only the two of us (just the two of us)
맛있게 deliciously (tastefully)

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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계획 plan
남쪽 south (the south side)
섬 island
인터넷 internet
찾아보다 to try to find
유명하다 to be famous
특별하다 To be special (extraordinary)
비행기 표 plane ticket (airplane ticket)
아직 yet (still)
친구들 friends
특히 specially (especially, particularly)
같이 찾아봐요. Let’s look (for something) together.
그건 잘 모르겠어요. I’m not sure about that.
아직 특별한 계획은 없어요. I don’t have any special plans yet