Unit 1

Quizlet Adjectives

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가깝다 to be close (to be near)
멀다 to be far (to be far away)
길다 to be long
짧다 to be short (short, brief)
높다 to be high (tall)
낮다 to be low
덥다 to be hot (weather)
춥다 to be cold (weather)
많다 to be many
적다 to be few (scarce)
맛있다 to be delicious
맛없다 to be not delicious (to taste bad, to be tasteless)
비싸다 to be expensive
싸다 to be cheap (inexpensive)
빠르다 to be fast
느리다 to be slow
어렵다 to be difficult (to be hard)
쉽다 to be easy
작다 to be small (in size)
크다 to be big
재미있다 to be interesting (fun) 재미없다 to be uninteresting (to be boring)
나쁘다 to be bad

Quizlet Dialogues

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경치 scenery (view)
날씨 weather
바다 sea
박물관 museum
낚시하다 to fish (to go fishing)
드라이브하다 to drive (to go for a drive)
스쿠바다이빙을 하다 to scuba dive
깨끗하다 to be clean
아름답다 to be beautiful
출장을 가다 to go on a business trip
다른 약속이 있어요. I have another appointment
알겠어요. I understand (fine, understood)
정말 미안해요 I’m truly sorry (really sorry)

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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가족 family
생활 life (daily life, living)
어머니 mother
하숙집 boarding house
학기 term (semester)
돌아가다 to go back to (to return to)
연습하다 to practice
이사하다 to move (to another house/home)
불편하다 to be uncomfortable
친절하다 to be kind (to be considerate)
왜냐하면 because (that’s because…/since)
그때 만나요. see you then (I will meet you then)
보고 싶어요. I miss (you, thing, place / I want to see/look/watch)
잘 지내요. I have been well

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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유럽 Europe
나중에 later (after, later on)
또 again (and, also, too)
(-)만 only (-only, just)
배를 타다 to take a boat
혼자 alone (by oneself)
여행 잘 다녀오세요 . Have a good trip. (Have a nice trip)