Unit 6

Quizlet Excuses

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감기에 거려서 because I caught a cold
건강이 안 좋아서 because I’m in bad health (because my health isn’t good)
너무 피곤해서 because I’m tired (너무 =too, very, so because I’m so tired..)
다른 약속이 있어서 because I have another appointment
머리가 아파서 because I have a headache
바빠서 because I’m busy
배가 아파서 because I have a stomachache (because stomach hurts)
숙제가 많아서 because I have a lot of homework
시간이 없어서 because I don’t have time
시험이 있어서 because I’ll take an exam
일이 생겨서 because I have something to do

Quizlet Dialogues

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돈 money
번역 written translation
서료 document (paper)
표 ticket
끝내다 to finish (to end)
쉬다 to rest
필요하다 to need (to require)
꼭 for sure (definitely)
다이어트를 하다 to be on a diet (to diet)
살이 찌다 to gain weight

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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경기 sports match (game)
아저씨 man (sir, mister, uncle)
축구 football (soccer)
팀 team
A/S센터 repair center (A/S = After/Service)
고치다 to fix
돌아오다 to come back to (to return to)
이기다 to win
일찍 early
고장이 나다 to break (to malfunction, to go out of order)
기분이 좋다 to feel good (to be feeling good, to be in a good mood)
죄송합니다 I’m sorry (Excuse me)
여섯 시까지 가겠습니다. I will be there before six o’clock

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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공중전화 public telephone
길 street (road)
동전 coin(s)
생일 카드 birthday card
늦다 to be late
보통 usually (normally, commonly)
가지고 오다 to bring (something) with
길이 막히다 traffic (to be jammed, to be blocked)
차가 많다 There are a lot of cars (on the road)
그래서, 뭐요? So what?
그런데요? Yes…? (And…?)